Put your Elixir app inside minimal Docker image. Based on alpine linux and distillery releases.
- Add
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
def deps do
[{:mix_docker, "~> 0.3.0"}]
- Configure Docker image name
# config/config.exs
config :mix_docker, image: "recruitee/hello"
mix docker.init
to init distillery release configuration -
mix docker.build
&mix docker.release
to build the image. See Usage for more.
Run mix docker.build
to build a release inside docker container
Run mix docker.release
to put the release inside minimal docker image
Run mix docker.publish
to push newly created image to docker registry
Run mix docker.shipit
Run mix docker.customize
Using ENV variables.
The provided Docker images contain REPLACE_OS_VARS=true
, so you can use "${VAR_NAME}"
syntax in config/prod.exs
like this:
config :hello, Hello.Endpoint,
server: true,
url: [host: "${DOMAIN}"]
config :hello, Hello.Mailer,
adapter: Bamboo.MailgunAdapter,
api_key: "${MAILGUN_API_KEY}"
By default, the image tag uses the following format: {mix-version}.{git-count}-{git-sha}
You can provide your own tag template in config/prod.exs
like this:
# config/config.exs
config :mix_docker,
tag: "dev_{mix-version}_{git-sha}"
Additionally, you can pass the tag as an argument to mix docker.publish
and mix docker.shipit
mix docker.publish --tag "{mix-version}-{git-branch}"
See below for a list of possible variables
Variable | Description |
{mix-version} |
Current project version from mix.exs |
{rel-version} |
Default distillery release version |
{git-sha} |
Git commit SHA (10 characters) |
{git-shaN} |
Git commit SHA (N characters) |
{git-count} |
Git commit count |
{git-branch} |
Git branch |
The default dockerfiles are based on bitwalker/alpine-erlang and elixir installed from apk repository
The following table summarizes the default versions:
mix_docker version | alpine | erlang | elixir |
up to 0.3.2 |
3.4 |
18.3 |
elixir@edge at the time of build |
0.4.0 |
3.5 |
19.2 |
elixir@edge=1.4.1-r0 |
0.4.1 |
3.5 |
19.2 |
elixir@edge=1.4.2-r0 |
git master | 3.5 |
21.0 |
elixir@edge=1.6.6 |
Please note that you can use any version you want by customizing your dockerfiles. See mix docker.customize
for reference.
mix_docker can expose your identity to your build automatically by just passing
the ip address of your host (the ip address of your computer from within a container)
using --host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
For example:
mix docker.build --host
The host ip address varies depending on your OS.
If you are on linux, you can leverage the docker bridge and your host address should be is
On OS X, there is no docker bridge, so if you still use docker machine, your host address should be
Otherwise, if you are using the new Docker for Mac, you will need to attach an unused IP to the lo0 interface:
sudo ifconfig lo0 alias
By default, mix_docker is providing your current user identity: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
, you can provide
an alternate identity using the --identity-file "/opt/my_identity"
The easiest way is to docker exec
into running container and run the following command,
where CID
is the app container IO and hello
is the name of your app.
docker exec -it CID /opt/app/bin/hello remote_console
First, run mix docker.customize
to copy Dockerfile.build
and Dockerfile.release
into your project directory.
Now you can add whatever you like using standard Dockerfile commands.
Feel free to add some more apk packages or run some custom commands.
TIP: To keep the build process efficient check whether a given package is required only for
compilation (build) or runtime (release) or both.
You can specify where to find the two Dockerfiles in the config.
# config/config.exs
config :mix_docker,
dockerfile_build: "path/to/Dockerfile.build",
dockerfile_release: "path/to/Dockerfile.release"
The path is relative to the project root, and the files must be located inside the root.
The default build Dockerfile does not handle the installation of umbrella app deps, so you will need to modify it to match the structure of your project.
Run mix docker.customize
and then edit Dockerfile.build
to copy across
each of your umbrella's applications.
COPY mix.exs mix.lock ./
RUN mkdir -p apps/my_first_app/config
COPY apps/my_first_app/mix.exs apps/my_first_app/
COPY apps/my_first_app/config/* apps/my_first_app/config/
RUN mkdir -p apps/my_second_app/config
COPY apps/my_second_app/mix.exs apps/my_second_app/
COPY apps/my_second_app/config/* apps/my_second_app/config/
# etc.
To run a Phoenix app you'll need to install additional packages into the build image: run mix docker.customize
Modify the apk --no-cache --update add
command in the Dockerfile.build
as follows (add nodejs
and python
# Install Elixir and basic build dependencies
echo "@edge http://nl.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community" >> /etc/apk/repositories && \
apk update && \
apk --no-cache --update add \
git make g++ \
nodejs python \
elixir@edge && \
rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
Install nodejs dependencies and cache them by adding the following lines before the COPY
# Cache node deps
COPY package.json ./
RUN npm install
Build and digest static assets by adding the following lines after the COPY
RUN ./node_modules/brunch/bin/brunch b -p && \
mix phoenix.digest
Add the following directories to .dockerignore
Remove config/prod.secret.exs
file and remove a reference to it from config/prod.exs
. Configure your app's secrets directly in config/prod.exs
using the environment variables.
Make sure to add server: true
to your app's Endpoint config.
Build the images and run the release image normally.
Check out this post for detailed walkthrough of the Phoenix app configuration.