Generate a correlated MIMO channel from a uncorrelated channel (random generated) based on correlation level 'Low','Med','MedA','High' specified in 3GPP 36.101, Annex B. These functions only applies to ULA cases.
Author Dr J Mao
Email: [email protected]
2022 Feb
Generate 1000 2-by-2 MIMO spataial correlated channels and check the expected correlation matrix from these channels against the correlation matrix used to generate these channels
nRx = 2;
nTx = 2;
corrLevel = 'high';
nRels = 1000;
corrMtx = genMimoCorrMtx(nTx,nRx,corrLevel,0.0);
corrMtxRel = zeros(nRx*nTx);
for i = 1: nRels
% Generate a uncorrelated MIMO channel
H = randn(nRx,nTx);
% make it correlated
corrH = correlateMIMOChan(H,corrLevel);
% accumulate the corrH(:)* corrH(:)'
corrMtxRel = corrMtxRel + corrH(:)* corrH(:)';
% expected value: E( corrH(:)* corrH(:)')
corrMtxRel = corrMtxRel/nRels;
>> example_run
The correlation matrix used to generate spatial correlated MIMO channels
1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 0.8100
0.9000 1.0000 0.8100 0.9000
0.9000 0.8100 1.0000 0.9000
0.8100 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000
The statistical correlation matrix obtained from random realized channels
1.0046 0.9063 0.9079 0.8190
0.9063 1.0075 0.8205 0.9115
0.9079 0.8205 1.0095 0.9099
0.8190 0.9115 0.9099 1.0107