Release 1.0.0
Since our last release we have been busily working away adding super new features to our next big update of Web Starter Kit - our boilerplate for responsive sites that want a modern front-end tooling workflow. WSK 1.0.0 is now available and ready for use.
Whats new
We have refactored our starter code to make your life easier. Easy to start, simply to use.
It is an opinionated boilerplate for web development. Tools for building a great experience across many devices. A solid starting point for both professionals and newcomers to the industry.
ES2015 via Babel
Optional ES2015 support. You can use all kind of ES6 features here. ES2015 source code will be automatically transpiled to ES5 for wide browser support.
We've also ES2015'ified our Gulpfile:
JS code-hinting
We now use JsHint - a hinter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript. This is a pluggable and configurable hinter tool for identifying and reporting on issues in your JavaScript.
HTML code-hinting
HTML code hinting is done using HtmlHint
Lots of bug fixes
We have added improvements to our build process, fixing a number of in minification(images, etc.) sourcemap generation and much more.
Happy using!