##1. remote mode
Podfile pod 'ShadowSocks-libev-iOS', git: '[email protected]:juvham/ShadowSocks-libev-iOS.git'
pod install --verbose
##2. local mode
down load this
cp ShadowSocks-libev-iOS/ prepare.sh ShadowSocks-libev-iOS-DEMO.podspec.bak your-poject-root/
cd your-poject-root/ mv ShadowSocks-libev-iOS-DEMO.podspec.bak mv ShadowSocks-libev-iOS.podspec
Podfile pod 'ShadowSocks-libev-iOS', :path => './'
pod install --verbose
推荐使用 local mode 虽然稍微麻烦点但是 由于脚本下载经常会失败 remote mode 不稳定
The original work in ShadowSocks-libev-iOS is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info. ShadowSocks-libev itself is available under the GPL v3 license. Work from others embedded herein have their own licensing. (See the specific file's headers for further information.)