Control repository for Land Registry's beta project
- Ruby >= 1.9.3
- Puppet >= 3.6.0 (may work with earlier builds but not tested)
The puppet.conf file needs to be configured with server and environment variables.
environment = development
server =
Puppet is configured to use fact information. The fact should be called host.yaml and stored in /etc/puppetlabs/facter/facts.d/.
- network_location: The location on the network the server will reside (e.g. zone1, zone2)
- puppet_role: The hiera profile name that the machine will apply (e.g. migration-app)
- server_type: Similar to 'puppet_role' but specific to an environment.
- application_environment: The environment name of the application (e.g. production, pre-production)
- hosting_platform: The platform the code will be hosted on (e.g. aws, internal, vagrant)
- puppet_environment: The puppet environment in which the machine sits (e.g.prodcution, development)
network_location: zone1
puppet_role: digital-register-frontend
server_type: drf-production
application_environment: production
hosting_platform: aws
puppet_environment: production