SRR22822929 ont-ligation SRR22822930 ont-ligation SRR23215007 ont-ligation SRR23215008 ont-ligation SRR23215010 ont-ligation SRR23215009 ont-ligation SRR11906526 pb-rs2 SRR11906525 pb-sequel iso1_hifi.fastq.gz pb-hifi iso1-R1041_ONT.fastq.gz ont-ligation iso1-R941-2_ONT.fastq.gz ont-ligation iso1-R941_ONT.fastq.gz ont-ligation A4_hifi_099.min6k.fasta.gz pb-hifi
=SRX18782374 Q20 male adult flies LSK114 ligation kit MinION R10.4.1 flow cell at 400bps Guppy 6.4.2 in super-accuracy mode using the default quality filter.
=SRX19162819 Q20 duplex only male adult flies LSK114 ligation kit MinION R10.4.1 flow cell at 400bps Duplex basecalling Guppy 6.4.2 in super-accuracy mode using the default quality filter duplex_tools
=SRX19162820 Q20 simplex only LSK114 ligation kit MinION R10.4.1 flow cell at 400bps Duplex basecalling Guppy 6.4.2 in super-accuracy mode using the default quality filter duplex_tools Reads used for duplex calling were removed from the simplex read set
=SRX18782373 Q20 male adult flies LSK114 ligation kit MinION R10.4.1 flow cell at 260bps Guppy 6.4.2 in super-accuracy mode using the default quality filter
=SRX19162817 Q20 duplex only male adult flies LSK114 ligation kit MinION R10.4.1 flow cell at 260bps Duplex basecalling Guppy 6.4.2 in super-accuracy mode using the default quality filter duplex_tools
=SRX19162818 Q20 simplex only male adult flies LSK114 ligation kit MinION R10.4.1 flow cell at 260bps Duplex basecalling Guppy 6.4.2 in super-accuracy mode using the default quality filter duplex_tools Reads used for duplex calling were removed from the simplex read set
=SRX8453113 PacBio RS II female virgin 20 kb , BluePippin Size-Selection MagBead loading two SMART cells
=SRX8453114 PACBIO_SMRT (Sequel) female virgin 20 kb , BluePippin Size-Selection MagBead loading two SMART cells
prefetch -pcv SRR11906526 SRR11906525
for i in /pub/jenyuw/Eval-sv-temp/raw/{SRR22822929,SRR23215008,SRR23215007,SRR22822930,SRR23215010,SRR23215009}/*.sra
echo $i
name=basename $i | sed "s/.sra/-R1041_${tech}.fastq.gz/"
echo $name
fastq-dump --split-spot --stdout