Hardware, firmware, communication protocols, and APIs for serialized, very-high channel count, closed-loop electrophysiology.
Maintainer: jonnew
Note This work is a second-order fork. It was based on the following open source designs:
- Intan's headstages: no license provided.
- Open Ephys headstages: Open Hardware license. Based upon (1).
Citing this work: TODO
- Integrated electrophysiology (>1000 channels), optogenetic or electrical micro stimulation (i.e. no fiber optic tether), 6 DOF pose measurement, etc.
- Submillisecond round-trip communication with host PC's main memory
- Data, user control, and power transmitted over one tiny coaxial cable
- Modular design allows custom integration of individual project components.
- Integrated electrode plating and impedance testing
- Low profile, circular form factor headstage design which minimizes torque on skull
- High level language bindings and integration with Open Ephys GUI and Bonsai.
- Quality documentation and easy routes to purchased assembled devices.
Each top level directory of this repository corresponds to a distinct system module. These can be hardware (e.g. headstage-64), firmware (e.g. kc705-host-firmware), or software/APIs (e.g. oepcie). Each may have distinct contributors and/or licenses. Please refer to the README file withing each directory for further information.
64 Channel electrode interface board. Designed for small rodent tetrode electrophysiology.
128 Channel electrode interface board. Designed for large rodent tetrode electrophysiology.
256 Channel electrode interface board. Designed for large rodent tetrode electrophysiology.
Serialized, multifunction headstage for small rodents. Supports 64 channels.
WIP Serialized, multifunction headstage for large rodents. Supports both 128 or 256 channels.
A low profile 128-channel digital headstage module for amplifying, filtering, and digitizing microelectrode voltage data from a rat microdrive implant. Up to 256 wires (64 tetrodes) can be acquired by stacking two modules. Note This design is deprecated and will be removed upon completion of headstage-256.
Data serailization board for headstage. Designed for rat tetrode electrophysiology. Note This design is deprecated and will be removed upon completion of headstage-256.
Base board for facilitating PCIe communication, via KC705 or similar, with host computer. This board fits into an empty PCIe slot and communicates with KC705 via an FMC ribbon cable.
Simple board for making pig-tailed, drivable stimulation LEDs for optogenetic manipulation.
Simple flexible board for making pig-tailed, driveable stimulation LEDs for optogenetic manipulation using standard chip scale LEDs or direct-attach micro LEDs.
Adapter to interface eib-64 with the popular nanoZ electrode impedance tester and plating device.
Muliplexed adapter to interface eib-128 and eib-256 with the popular nanoZ electrode impedance tester and plating device.
Test board for headstage-64. Allows injecting simulated biopotentials into headstage modules via a selectable passive attenuator. Provides LEDs and simulated electrical loads for optical and electrical stimulation.
Test board for headstage, and headstage-256 modules. Allows injecting simulated biopotentials into headstage modules via a selectable passive attenuator. Provides LEDs and simulated electrical loads for optical and electrical stimulation.
WIP General purpose analog IO board which sits next to pcie-host board to provide general purpose acquisition.
Host libraries and language bindings for creating software applications that acquire data from hardware in this project.
HDL code for the pcie-host board.
The bill of materials for all hardware components can be found on this google doc. Each subdirectory containing a hardware project will also have a README file with a link to its corresponding BOM.
The designs in this repository for them the basis for microdrive rat and mouse recordings in the Wilson Lab at MIT.
Each subdirectory will contain a license, or set of licenses if it involves both hardware and software.