I am creating this example project to create galen tests using the JavaScript implementation. Refer to Galen Framework for more details. All tests will be created using the testapp.galenframework.com website.
Install npm: https://nodejs.org/en/
- Checkout the code from terminal
- On terminal, run the command
This will install the galen framework
npm install
- After successful installation, type:
galen -v Galen Framework Version: 2.2.1 JavaScript executor: Rhino 1.7 release 5 2015 01 29
- You can run test using the shell script.
This will run the smoke test on desktop resolution.
./run.sh smoke local desktop
- Or you can run the galen test command:
galen test tests/*.test.js -Denvironment=local --htmlreport reports -DdeviceType=desktop -DbrowserName=firefox