This is my Configuration files which I use for my daily development.
- Editors: Vim and NeoVim(>=0.80)
- Shell: bash
- Multiplexer: Tmux
- VS: Git
- Terminal configs: urxvt, kitty, alacritty
- File manager: Ranger
- Window manager: i3wm (>=4.22 for gap support)
- Application launcher: rofi
- Status bars: i3bar(using i3blocks) or polybar (>=3.60 for better network module)
- Notification daemon: dunst (>= 1.9.0 for better geometry)
- Gruvbox GTK Theme
- Ubuntu
- MSYS2 (Windows)
- WSL2 (Debian 11)
- Git
- GNU Stow
- Starship
- i3 dependencies:
- Rofi for additional themes see this and this
- picom or compton
- i3blocks or/and polybar
- maim and imagemagick for blurred lock screen effect and screenshots
- dunst
- light - Don't forget to "sudo usermod -a -G video ${USER}"!
- Python dbus module for playerctl support with spotify:
pip install dbus-python
, to control media players, especially spotify on polybar - network-manager-applet (or nm-applet) for wifi/network popup in polybar
- pulsemixer - to control sounds on polybar
- yad - yet another dialog tool, used by status bar to display calendar
Clone repo in home directory:
$ cd
$ git clone
- Install all modules at once
$ cd dot-files
$ ./ # Optional, you can also simply drag dot files to your home directory
- Or alternatively if you want to install only certain module, use:
$ cd dot-files
$ stow vim
$ stow bash
- curl required font
- tar xcvf font.tar.gz
- mkdir ~/.local/share/fonts if it doesn't exist
- move font binaries to this directory
- Clear & regenerate font cache:
fc-cache -f -v
- Verify:
fc-list | grep "FontName"
Common Nvim/Vim Key mappings
- '<leader>' - ','
- '<leader>bn' - next buffer
- '<leader>bp' - prev buffer
- '<leader>bd' - close buffer
- '<leader>w' - write buffer
- '<leader>q' - quit vim/nvim
- '<leader>n' - toggle file explorer
- '<leader>c<space>' - toggle comment
Vim Plugins:
- vim-plug
- NERDTree
- Vim-Airline
- Syntastic
- NERDCommenter
- Tagbar
- Emmet
- ctrlp
- MiniBufExpl
- surround.vim
- fugitive.vim
- vim-multiple-cursors
NeoVim Plugins
- Git
- Lua
- Python
- NERD Fonts and Noto Emoji font
- ripgrep
- fd
- bat - used by ranger in file preview
- fzf - optional but highly recommended
- exa - optional but highly recommended
- Ctags - for Vim/NVim tags
- [xdotool] - for screenshot script
- Setup more themes for all tools: dracula, tomorrow night, monokai for example
- Wallpaper rotation
- Setup sound and brightness notifications