The loss function RnCLoss
used for the CV part in
takes features
and labels
as input, return the loss value, and has three hyper-parameters: temperature
, label_diff
, and feature_sim
associated with it.
from loss import RnCLoss
# define loss function with temperature, label difference measure, and feature similarity measure
# we have kept the following config constant for all the experiments conducted:
criterion = RnCLoss(temperature=2, label_diff='l1', feature_sim='l2')
loss = criterion(features, labels) # features: (bs, 2, fear_dim), labels: (bs, label_dim)
Firstly, download the AgeDB dataset and extract the zip file (we contacted the authors of the AgeDB dataset for the zip password) to folder ./CNN/data
Change to the CNN folder, then run the file as needed.
trains the model with just L1 loss in a 1-stage setting.
trains the encoder with the RnC framework and saves it in ./save
. Finally, run
, which uses the trained encoder to train the regressor on top in a 2-stage setting.
cd ./CNN
python --ckpt <your_checkpoint_from_rnc>
Apart from the official reproduction, we have also tried out this loss on a Graph Regression Task, the ESOL dataset.
It is publicly available as a subset of MoleculeNet here.
The detailed results are available here with run plots on my wandb account here. A brief summary is below -
Method / Loss | test MAE | test RMSE | test MSE | validation MAE | validation RMSE | validation MSE |
normal-L1 | 0.247 | 0.326 | 0.106 | 0.224 | 0.325 | 0.106 |
RnC(L1) + freeze | 0.219 | 0.297 | 0.088 | 0.255 | 0.359 | 0.129 |
RnC(L1) | 0.212 | 0.314 | 0.099 | 0.235 | 0.345 | 0.119 |
RnC(L2) | 0.266 | 0.342 | 0.117 | 0.276 | 0.366 | 0.134 |
RnC(Huber) | 0.242 | 0.326 | 0.106 | 0.245 | 0.317 | 0.101 |
A (UMAP) view on the amazing representation space learned by RnC v/s end-to-end L1,
Training Data (left), Test Data (right)
A sequence of commands to reporduce our results - (can be done completely on the free version of Google CoLab, though you might run into python version issues, some known issues are listed below)
First create a directory called "data/" and create a subfolder titled "ESOL", then you can create the preprocessed dataset as
python3 -m GNN.preprocess
The exact runs can be reproduced by running the 3 scripts, they have already been updated with optimal parameters as the default ones. (Note that, we have done some hyperparameter tuning but not a very rigorous grid search)
python3 -m GNN.main_l1 python3 -m GNN.main_rnc python3 -m GNN.main_linear --ckpt <your_checkpoint_from_rnc> [OPTINAL] --freeze_encoder --loss [l1(default)/MSE/huber]
The plots for the representation space can be reproduced using
python3 -m misc.representation_space
Everything will be by default logged to w&b and so I recommend signing in using (and pasting your API Key)
wandb login
Following is a bash script to run on multiple GPUs or slurm clusters -
#SBATCH --job-name=GNN
#SBATCH --output=logs/l1_GNN.out
#SBATCH --error=logs/l1_GNN.err
#SBATCH --time=10:00:00
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:2
#SBATCH --mem=128G
cd GNN/
python3 --data_folder data/
# other possible runs are
# python3 --data_folder data/, with output=logs/L1_GNN.out and error=logs/L1_GNN.err
# python3 --data_folder data/, with output=logs/rnc_GNN.out and error=logs/rnc_GNN.err
# python3 --data_folder data/ --loss [L1(default)/MSE/huber] --ckpt <path> [OPTIONAL] --freeze_encoder,
# with output=logs/linear_GNN.out and error=logs/linear_GNN.err
- You might not be able to download all PyG dependencies, on a higher python version (> 3.9.19), especially the ones that have a
cu117at the end, all experiments can be reproduced without those libraries so feel free to remove them!
- kaiwenzha/Rank-N-Contrast: Repository code helped in the reproducibility section.
- AgeDB: Dataset used for CV task in the reproducibility section.
- ESOL: Dataset used for GNN task in the extension on the reproduction.