Kasm API decompiled from 1.15.0 docker image. Note: Some of the larger .py files (eg. model.py, public_api.py) may not be complete decompilations, but they should have most of the API code.
- Container is based off of Ubuntu Focal.
- Startup Command:
"Created": "2024-03-05T22:18:50.063048571Z",
"Path": "/bin/sh",
"Args": [
"/usr/bin/startup.sh -s /usr/bin/kasm_server.so -c /opt/kasm/current/conf/app/api.app.config.yaml -p \"--enable-admin-api --enable-client-api --enable-public-api\""],
container just runskasm_server.so
is a PyInstaller binary- The Kasm API uses Python 3.8 bytecode