This is a seed project for developing RESTful services using Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- Custom Basic Authentication Provider
- JWT Token Authentication Filter
- API Rate limiting
- Spring Data
- Restful Webservice
- Exception Handling
- Spring AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
- In-Memory Database
- Transactions Management
- Cache Management
- Redis
- Unit Testing
- Integration Testing
- Spring REST Docs
Please check api documentation first.
As this application has embedded tomcat server, embedded redis & work with in-memory h2 database, so you already need to have the following dependencies
- JDK 8 or later
- Maven 3 or later
To run this application, open terminal on the project root directory and type the following
mvn spring-boot:run
If you want to stop the server, then enter ctlr-C
To generate documentation using rest docs, first run the test code of
& make sure all necessary ascii docs snippets
are available at target/generated-snippets
Then open the terminal at project root directory and run the following command
mvn prepare-package
You will find the documentation at target/generated-docs
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Muhammad Kamarul Kawnayeen (@kawnayeen)