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CashFree Payment Gateway is one of the most used Payment Gateway in India. Here is the code on how to integrate the API in any PHP project or Laravel.


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CashFree Payment Gateway Laravel Package

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An open source package by kayusgold for CashFree, an Indian payment gateway.


CashFree offers their clients many services to make transactions between sender and receiver seemlessly easy. However, this package focuses mainly on MarketPlace Settlement API and Payment Gateway API. Visit here for MarketPlace Settlement API documentation and here for Payment Gateway API documentation.

Using the package, but you're stuck? Found a bug? Have a question or suggestion for improving this package? Feel free to create an issue on GitHub, we'll try to address it as soon as possible.


  1. PHP >= 7.0.*
  2. Laravel >= 5.6.*


  1. To use LoveyCom CashFree package, add it to your project using composer:
composer require loveycom/cashfree
  1. Open Config/app.php and add the following to the providers array:
  1. Run the command below to publish the package config file config/cashfree.php:
php artisan vendor:publish
  1. Open config/cashfree.php to edit neccessary parameters such as API Key ID and Secret Key.
    'appID' => '',
    'secretKey' => '',
    'testURL' => '',
    'prodURL' => '',
    'maxReturn' => 100,
    'isLive' => false,

Do not forget to dump composer autoload

composer dump-autoload


  1. Edit the cashfree.php already published to your app config. Location: config/cashfree.php
  • Fill all the required details
  1. The cashfree api wrapper follows the cashfree payment gateway categories (Marketplace & PaymentGateway) - read more from their docummentation
  2. Under the Marketplace category, this wrapper provides you with the following classes and methods
  • Marketplace

  • checkBalance() -- endpoint /getBalance
  • withdraw($amount, $remark = "") -- endpoint /ces/v1/requestWithdrawal
  • getLedger($maxReturn = "", $lastReturnId = "") -- endpoint /ces/v1/getLedger?maxReturn=$maxReturn
  • Settlement

  • status($orderId) -- endpoint /ces/v1/getOrderSettlementStatus/$orderId
  • Transaction

  • importTransaction($details = []) -- endpoint /ces/v1/importTransaction
  • retreive($orderId = "") -- endpoint /ces/v1/getTransactions or /ces/v1/getTransaction/$orderId
  • attachVendorToTransaction($orderId, $vendorId, $commission = "", $commissionAmount = "") -- endpoint /ces/v1/attachVendor
  • detachVendorFromTransaction($orderId, $vendorId) -- endpoint /ces/v1/detachVendor
  • Vendor

  • create($vendor = [], $vendorId = "") -- endpoints /ces/v1/editVendor/$vendorId (Update Vendor Details) | /ces/v1/addVendor (Create Vendor)
  • retreive($vendorId = "") -- endpoints -- endpoints /ces/v1/getVendor/$vendorId | /ces/v1/getVendors
  • checkStatus($vendorId) -- endpoint /ces/v1/getVendor/$vendorId
  • adjustVendorBalance($vendorId, $adjustmentId, $amount, $type = "CREDIT", $remark = "") -- endpoint /ces/v1/adjustVendor
  • requestVendorPayout($vendorId, $amount) -- endpoint /ces/v1/requestVendorPayout
  • getLedger($vendorId, $maxReturn = 50, $lastReturnId = "") -- endpoint /ces/v1/getVendorLedger/$vendorId?maxReturn=$maxReturn
  • getTransferDetails($vendorTransferId = "", $vendorId = "", $maxReturn = 50, $lastReturnId = "", $startDate = "", $endDate = "") -- endpoint /ces/v1/getVendorTransfer/...
  • transferBetweenVendors($fromVendorId, $toVendorId, $amount, $adjustmentId) -- endpoint /transferVendorBalance
  1. The PaymentGateway has the following classes and methods
  • Order

  • create($order) -- endpoint /api/v1/order/create
  • getLink($orderId) -- endpoint /api/v1/order/info/link
  • getDetails($orderId) -- endpoint /api/v1/order/info/
  • getStatus($orderId) -- endpoint /api/v1/order/info/status
  • Refund

  • create($orderId, $referenceId, $amount, $remark = "") -- endpoint /api/v1/order/refund
  • instantRefund($orderId, $referenceId, $amount, $remark = "", $refundType = "", $merchantRefundId = "", $mode = "CASHGRAM", $accountNo = "", $ifsc = "") -- endpoint /api/v1/order/refund
  • retreive($startDate, $endDate, $lastId = "", $count = "") -- endpoint /api/v1/refunds
  • Settlement

  • getAll($startDate, $endDate, $lastId = "", $count = "") -- endpoint /api/v1/settlements
  • getOne($settlementId) -- endpoint /api/v1/settlement
  • Transaction

  • retreive($startDate = "", $endDate = "", $txStatus = "", $lastID = "", $count = "") -- endpoint /api/v1/transactions

  • To use the Order class of the PaymentGateway Category,
    //import the class
    use LoveyCom\CashFree\PaymentGateway\Order;
    //instantiate the class
    $order = new Order();
    //prepare the order details
    //NOTE: Prepare a route for returnUrl and notifyUrl (something like a webhook). However, if you have webhook setup in your cashfree dashboard, no need for notifyUrl. But if notifyUrl is set, it will be called instead.
    $od["orderId"] = "ORDER-84984941";
    $od["orderAmount"] = 10000;
    $od["orderNote"] = "Subscription";
    $od["customerPhone"] = "9000012345";
    $od["customerName"] = "Test Name";
    $od["customerEmail"] = "[email protected]";
    $od["returnUrl"] = "";
    $od["notifyUrl"] = "";
    //call the create method
    //get the payment link of this order for your customer
    $link = $order->getLink($od['orderId'])
    //You can now either send this link to your customer through email or redirect to it for them to complete the payment.
    //To confirm the payment,
    //Call either getDetails($orderId) or getStatus($orderId) method


Thank you for your interest, here are some of the many ways to contribute.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.


This software is released under the MIT License.


CashFree Payment Gateway is one of the most used Payment Gateway in India. Here is the code on how to integrate the API in any PHP project or Laravel.







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