NYU Black-Box is an Anonymus Compliant registering platform, that allows users to post, edit and submit their Compliant Anonymusly.The application allows the user to creat an account and provides a functionality to post/edit the compliant only when the user is logged in. Also once the compliant is posted both user and admin has an access to view and update their status based on the progress of their Compliant. This application aims to provide a transparency of compliant tracking and progress of Student compliant's across the universities.Once the student is registered the student can enter the complains and post it on a common content sharing board, where the entire school’s/ University Officials can see it. Also there is a functionality by school officials to post respective departments names below the complaint’s and this is accessible to every one involved in the network.
- Admin Login - Can Create, Read, Update, and Close the Complaints
- User Login - Can Create, edit and Update the Posts
- All the Complaints Are Created and Arranged with the time-stamp of the day they are generated
- Multiple Users Can Edit and Add Complaints Simultaneously
- Anonymous View - Only Read The Complaints
- Only User Registered Accounts has access to Update user status
- Only Admin has access to Update the Admin status
To run this project, you will need to initialize the H2-Database and create the configuration files at
Database accessible at
Download the Zip and open it on any editor
cd NyuBlackBox
Run NyuBlackBox.java
open http://localhost:3000
- Java
- H2 Database
- Spring Data JPA
- Thymeleaf
- Spring Security
- Lombok
- HTML and CSS
- Bootstrap
- Java Script