Pulse 4.0.0 (Beta 3)
The standalone Pulse app is now available on iOS: https://testflight.apple.com/join/1jcanE3q. It's a document-based app that allows you to browse logs shared from other devices and open .pulse files anywhere in the system.
- Update the design for watchOS 10
- Fix #201 by removing the code that sets WCSession delegate from the framework. It's now up to the user to forward the required delegate calls to the framework: only two are needed. Please see the included demo projects for an example.
- Fix #200 by disabling the Remote Logging toggle when running on a physical watchOS device.
- Add "Share Store" button to the Settings screen that uses the new native ShareLink API to add more ways to share logs from your logs: email, messages, and more.
- Add demo with paired iOS and watchOS apps