The idea of this started out as one to duplicate Microsoft's autoruns tool to the extent possible with only offline registry hives. Then I started adding extra non-autoruns specific keys. I couldn't think of a better name after that so I just left it the same name. Yeah, yeah, I know...branding, but I figure if it's free and I give it away that doesn't really matter. You can name it what you want once it's downloaded to your desktop.
Why not use the tools that already exist?
- Perl is old school. All the new/cools guys/gals are using Python.
- I wanted to learn to code in Python. What better way than to write a tool in Python?
- I didn't like the output of some of the other tools. I felt they are too "loud", GUI based, or they didn't work properly. I got pissed one day when a tool kept failing and decided to just write my own.
- It focuses on quickly identifying common malware persistence locations or malware/actor related locations. It's not billed out as a "traditional forensics" analysis tool. I had malware in mind when I wrote it. On the flip side, you can easily write a function and I will include it. If not, I will get around to it at some point.
See Example.txt -
(Going off memory here)
- Python 2.7
Python Registry
- Download:
- python build
- python install
That should be all you need. It will work in Windows and Linux/OSX. Let me know if you have issues.
python -h
usage: [-h] [-nt NTUSER] [-sys SYSTEM] [-soft SOFTWARE]
[-p PLUGIN [PLUGIN ...]]
Parse the Windows registry for malware-ish related artifacts.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-nt NTUSER, --ntuser NTUSER
Path to the NTUSER.DAT hive you want parsed
-sys SYSTEM, --system SYSTEM
Path to the SYSTEM hive you want parsed
-soft SOFTWARE, --software SOFTWARE
Path to the SOFTWARE hive you want parsed
-p PLUGIN [PLUGIN ...], --plugin PLUGIN [PLUGIN ...]
Specify plugin your plugin name
- X = Done
- O = Partially done and implemented
- = Not started
In no specific order.... It's whatever I feel like doing that day, unless someone needs/wants something sooner vs. later.
- 12/29/2013 - Added getControlSet functions to reuse and reduce duplication.
- 12/29/2013 - Used a dict{} within services vs. a bunch of lists to reduce code.
[ ] Error handling
- Add some better error handling.
[O] User Assist
- Parser entries
- Verify I am not missing anything.
[O] System and User Information
- Install date
- OS version
- Computer name
- Last logged on user
- Shutdown time
- SIDS and User Profile Information
[ ] Run Keys
- Go back and check and verify i'm not missing anything.
- Verify wow6432 entries.
[O] Services
- 12/29/2013 - Added White list/Baseline feature
- Make it so services.txt is optional so it will process it without. Also, make it so you can specify the location of services.txt.
- Services - Add image path checking vs. just service name checking for the whitelist/baseline.
[O] Archive Locations
- WinZip - Software\Nico Mak Computing\WinZip
- WinRar - Software\WinRAR\DialogEditHistory\ArcName
- 7zip - Software\7-Zip
[ ] Hashing Function
- Write hashing function
- Allow the code to run against a disk image and hash the image paths of services, etc.
- VT support with returned hashes from hashing function
[ ] LastWrite Times
- SysInternals
- Mount Points
- Archive Locations
- Anymore???
[X] Modular
- Now supports a plugin style feature set where people can write their own plugins. If you write one let me know and I will add it to the repo.
[ ] Program Input/Output
- Input - Process multiple NTUSER.DAT files
- Input - Allow for services.txt to be inputed on the command line (right now it's hard coded)
- [O] Input - Plugins (See modular section)
- Output - CSV
- Output - sqlite???
@williballenthin - for writing python-registry, which is what I am using. It's great.
@hiddenillusion - This example got me started on the idea.
Wingware for providing a great Python IDE and supporting the Open Source community.