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Quantum Alchemy for Atoms and Dimers


Python3 with the following packages:

  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • SciPy
  • findiff


In order to use, reproduce, and analyze quantum alchemy atom and dimer data you need to install the qa_tools package from the GitHub repository. You just have to clone and install the GitHub repo like so.

git clone
cd qa-atoms-dimers
pip install .


Note: Atom property predictions involving three-electron systems might slightly differ (± 0.001 eV) from values presented in the respective manuscript. Data here uses CCSD(T) calculations for three-electron ground state systems; whereas the manuscript does not include the perturbative triples corrections.


Cumulative JSON files for atoms and dimers containing quantum chemistry and quantum alchemy data for all species of interest. Individual JSON, log files, and explanations for atoms and dimers data can be found in their respective repositories.


A collection of modules that streamline the quantum alchemy analysis workflow.

  • Manages parsing and converting JSON files into panda dataframes.
  • Property predictions or querying of data frames.
  • Automated functions to assist analysis.
  • Useful functions that support other modules.


Routines to check and analyze calculation JSON files and generate PySCF/quantum alchemy calculations.


Jupyter notebook examples of how to query and analyze atom and dimer calculations for: ionization energies, electron affinities, multiplicity gaps, equilibrium bond lengths, and quantum alchemical potential energy surfaces.


We will be using several terms throughout the repository.

  • Quantum chemistry (QC): Data using straightforward wave function methods or density functional theory.
  • Quantum alchemy (QA): Predictions of target systems through nuclear charge perturbations of reference systems.
  • Target: A specific system, and its respective property, we are interested in predicting. For example, the ionization energy, electron affinity, or multiplicity gap of N.
  • Reference: A system, used with quantum alchemy, to predict target energies and properties. Must have the same number of electrons as the target system. For example, to predict the energy of N we could use B2–, C, O+, and F2+.
  • Quantum alchemy with Taylor series (QATS): Approximating the alchemical potential energy surface (PES) using a Taylor series centered at ∆Z = 0. Central finite difference using an h of 0.01 was used to calculate first through fourth derivatives.


If you use this software, please cite it as specified in CITATION.cff.

Related publications

This software was used to generate and analyze data for the following manuscripts.

  • Eikey, E. A.; Maldonado, A. M.; Griego, C. D.; von Rudorff, G. F.; Keith, J. A. Evaluating quantum alchemy of atoms with thermodynamic cycles: Beyond ground electronic states. ChemRxiv 2021. DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2021-3l4zh
  • Eikey, E. A.; Maldonado, A. M.; Griego, C. D.; von Rudorff, G. F.; Keith, J. A. Quantum alchemy beyond singlets: Bonding in diatomic molecules with hydrogen. ChemRxiv 2021. DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2021-pt5gd


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.