Image Commodity Searcher is a Python codebase that allows users to search for commodities based on images. It utilizes image captioning and keyword generation techniques to provide accurate and relevant search results. The codebase consists of several modules and functions that handle image processing, caption generation, keyword generation, and integration with external APIs.
- Image caption generation: Given an input image, the codebase can generate a descriptive caption for the image using a pre-trained image captioning model.
- Keyword generation: The codebase can convert the generated image caption into a set of keywords that can be used for searching commodities online.
- Translation: The codebase can translate the generated keywords into Traditional Chinese, making it suitable for users who prefer to search for commodities in Chinese.
To install Image Commodity Searcher, follow these steps:
Clone the GitHub repository:
git clone
Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The codebase has the following dependencies:
- PIL (Python Imaging Library): Used for image processing and manipulation.
- line-bot-sdk: Used for integrating with the LINE Messaging API.
- transformers: Used for the image captioning model and keyword generation.
- torch: Required by the transformers library for GPU acceleration.
To use Image Commodity Searcher, follow these steps:
Import the necessary modules and classes:
from PIL import Image from image_commodity_searcher.image_caption import ImageCaptionHandler from image_commodity_searcher.keyword_generator import KeywordGenerator from linebot import LineBotApi, WebhookHandler from linebot.models import * import os import configparser from util.keyword_parser import parse
Initialize the LineBotApi and WebhookHandler objects with the appropriate channel access token and channel secret:
secrets = configparser.ConfigParser()'secret.ini') CHANNEL_SECRET = secrets['DEFAULT']['CHANNEL_SECRET'] CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN = secrets['DEFAULT']['CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN'] line_bot_api = LineBotApi(CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN) handler = WebhookHandler(CHANNEL_SECRET)
Create an instance of the ImageCaptionHandler class:
image_caption_handler = ImageCaptionHandler()
Load an image and generate a caption for it:
image ='image.jpg') caption = image_caption_handler.generate_caption(image)
Create an instance of the KeywordGenerator class:
OPENAI_API_KEY = secrets['DEFAULT']['OPENAI_API_KEY'] keyword_generator = KeywordGenerator(key=OPENAI_API_KEY)
Generate keywords from the caption:
keywords = keyword_generator.generate(caption)
Parse the generated keywords:
result = parse(keywords)
The Image Commodity Searcher codebase is maintained by Kevin Chen.
Contributions to the Image Commodity Searcher codebase are welcome. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.
To contribute code changes, follow these steps:
- Fork the GitHub repository.
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Make your changes and commit them to your branch.
- Push your branch to your forked repository.
- Open a pull request on the GitHub repository.
If you need support or have any questions, please contact Kevin Chen at [email protected]
For commercial support inquiries, please contact Kevin Chen at [email protected]
Image Commodity Searcher is licensed under the MIT License.