An intuitive web platform allowing users to browse and discover scientific articles with ease. Users can filter results, view article details, including full-text in text and PDF formats, and save their favorite articles. Administrators can manage moderators and initiate uploads of scientific articles from PDF files. Subsequently, moderators can verify and correct information extracted from the PDF articles.
components : Reusable React components
context : React context providers for global state
hooks : Custom React hooks
pages : React components representing different pages
services : Modules for interacting with external services or APIs
types : TypeScript definition files
utils : General utility functions
- Node.js
- npm
1-Clone the repository.
git clone
cd tp_igl_frontend
2-Install dependencies.
npm install
3-Start the development server.
npm run dev
To run the application using Docker, follow these steps: 1- Build the Docker image.
docker build -t tp_igl_frontend .
2- Run the Docker container.
docker run -dp 8080:8080 tp_igl_frontend
For functional testing, Selenium is used :
1- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
git checkout -b feature/my-feature
2- Make your changes and commit them with a clear message.
git commit -m "Add new feature"
3- Push your branch to the repository.
git push origin feature/my-feature
4- Create a pull request to the main branch of the repository.