Releases: kipr/wombat-os
What's Changed
- Backup patch by @erinharrington-12 in #23
- Updating botui.deb file to reflect v31.1.0 by @erinharrington-12 in #24
- Update Flash Script to Use libgpiod for GPIO Control instead of deprecated /sys/class/gpio by @ToberoCat in #22
- Update year to 2025
- Fix issue with needing to update to v31.0.0 first
Required Packages
The current required packages for building the Wombat are below:
The Wombat is on v31.1.0. An image for flashing an SD card can be found below:
Wombat v31.1.0 Image
New Contributors
- @ToberoCat made their first contribution in #22
Full Changelog: v31.0.0...v31.1.0
What's Changed
- Connection update by @erinharrington-12 in #19
- Remove Create 3 mentions by @erinharrington-12 in #20
- Removed Create 3 modules and from CMakeLists by @erinharrington-12 in kipr/libwallaby#200
- Update bootstrap file path to wombat-os local copy
- Event mode by @erinharrington-12 in kipr/botui#144
- Desired use case is in large events that have many AP signals being broadcast by Wombats
- Disables WiFi broadcasting to unclog WiFi bands/channels
- Enables only Ethernet connection between Wombat and computer
- Toggle switch for Event Mode in About page
- When activated, Home page gets a different background to determine visually if Wombat is Event Mode
- All other pages have a small "Event Mode Enabled" label at the bottom of each page
- Remove create3 by @erinharrington-12 in kipr/botui#145
- V31.0.0 Wombat Update by @erinharrington-12 in kipr/botui#146
- Removed Create 3 usage as Creates are no longer used in Botball (starting 2025 season)
- Raspberry Pi type used (3B or 3B+) displayed on About page
- Wired Ethernet Connection
- Enables direct wired connection between Wombat and computer
- New IP to type in URL is to access IDE
- Dynamic WiFi Balancing
- Wombats with Raspberry Pi 3B+ can now flip between 2.4 GHz WiFi channel and 5 GHz
- Toggle to do so is on Network page (Settings/Advanced/Network)
- Wombats with Raspberry Pi 3B can only use 2.4 GHz WiFi channel
- On each boot-up, the script will run
- Script determines the AP spread on 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands and channels, finds the channel with the least amount of APs, and modifies the Wombat's AP connection accordingly
- USB vs. Online Update
- Update page now has 2 ways to update Wombat: USB or Online (Ethernet)
- USB looks for a .zip file named wombat-os-##.#.# (version number) in root folder of USB
- Online requires direct Ethernet connection between Wombat and an internet source
- For USB updates
- Versions <= 30.3.0 require the .zip to be extracted into root folder of USB so it's just a folder, not a .zip file
- Versions >= 31.0.0 only need the .zip file
Required Packages
The current required packages for building the Wombat are below:
The Wombat is on v31.0.0. An image for flashing an SD card can be found below:
Wombat v31.0.0 Image
Full Changelog: v30.3.0...v31.0.0
v30.3.0 Release
- Minor changes to calibration functions as well as wait_for_light by @ToberoCat in kipr/libwallaby#193
- Fixed DMA de-synchronized when using threads by @ToberoCat in kipr/libwallaby#197
- Reverting back to green bar with red dot for wait_for_light by @erinharrington-12 in kipr/libwallaby#195
- Create 3 Widget Lock Down Buttons by @erinharrington-12 in kipr/botui#142
- Locks down Wifi toggle
- V30.3.0 by @erinharrington-12 in kipr/botui#143
- Removed Create 3 Connect button
- Remove sensor list for Create 3
- Moved Create 3 example programs to main Create 3 page
- Changed copyright year
- Added @ to dev list
- Changed desktop background to v30.3.0
- Added Loading Logo on reboots
Wombat OS
- Included checks to to make sure Wombat is not in Create 3 ethernet mode
- Creates a backup of old wombat-os repository in case update fails and restores on failure to update
- Create 3 Server start and stop directly remove create3_server image on shut down and start up
- Updating using the Online Update button requires you to make sure Create 3 page is not in ethernet mode
Required Packages
The current required packages for building the Wombat are below:
The Wombat is on v30.3.0. An image for flashing an SD card can be found below:
Full Changelog: v30.2.5...v30.3.0
v30.2.5 Release
- Adds Wifi-Ethernet toggle to Create 3 UI
- When changing between Wifi and Ethernet, the IP address is changed for the Fast DDS Discovery Server
- /etc/network/interfaces in modified to include or not include Ethernet settings when switching between Ethernet and Wifi connections to the Create 3 respectively
- When switching between Wifi and Ethernet, Create 3 configuration needs to be changed first before rebooting
- Switching to Wifi from Ethernet requires the Create 3 to be manually rebooted after configuring
Required Packages
The current required packages for building the Wombat are below:
The Wombat is on v30.2.5. An image for flashing an SD card can be found below:
This is the official first release of the Wombat OS repository. Version numbering will begin at v30.2.4
Required Packages
The current required packages for building the Wombat are below:
The Wombat is on v30.2.4. An image for flashing an SD card can be found below: