Code to manage csv file and data base for the navigation using points
The aims of this code-project is to get from a csv file (explain here: ) a Map class which contains:
- the list of Destinations in the csv,
- the roads with the distance between destinations and angle (in degree from 0 to 360 using the trigonometric direction).
The aim of it is to be used for the KISS project ( ) as a Map.
Conventions to code:
- Clone and work in another directory than our ros code. This is a project aside, standalone,
- Keep the documentation up to date (all the comments can be transformed into dox documentation later),
- Respect the usual way to name class attribute, methods, variables and so on (lower case with _ to separate the word),
- NO cout in class method expect if its name is "print" (or for debugging),
- One file per class to test it named test_:class name:,
- Do NOT push if the code is not correctly execuded (compilling is not enough),
- Do NOT push binary file,
- Compile WITHOUT warning,
- Do NOT modify a code that you do not understand,
- Use the csv file named "file.csv" for the test (which correspond to the example: ),
- Keep the Makefile up to date (if you do not know read the next convention),
- Ask questions, demand answers,
- Have fun.