For pulling latest image please use:
$> docker pull
If there are old versions which should be further maintained it would be possible to pack them in a separate package.
There are two versions available:
- v2.3.4 and
- v1.5.6
and both should be updated/maintained also in future.
Than you should do the following:
# Checkout v1.5.6 and create an extra branch for it:
> git checkout v1.5.6
# Create an extra branch
> git checkout -b Version_1
# package this version to a new package
> git tag Version_1-v1.5.6
# push this tag to gitHub
> git push --tags
After a few minutes there should be a new package available called:
YOUR_REPO-version_1:version_1-v1.5.6 (always available via 'latest' tag)
ℹ️ The tag has to be in the form: '*-v*'
It's recommended to use Semantic Versioning after the 'v' and a unique string at the beginning.
# Checkout branch for the version you want to fix (e.g.: Version_1)
> git checkout Version_1
# Fix version and push it to github
> nano YOUR_FILE
> git add YOUR_FILE
> git commit -m "Fix ...."
> git push --set-upstream origin Version_1
# After that tag the new version in the same way as before
> git tag Version_1-v1.5.7
> git push --tags
After a few minutes there should be a version in the package available called:
YOUR_REPO-version_1:version_1-v1.5.7 (also available via 'latest' tag)
- Why should I use an extra package instead only tagging with the new version?
- If users rely on a specific branch(e.g. Version_1) they always have to chek for new versions. Using an extra package they can use the latest tag instead and only force a pull every time they want to update without thinking about versions.
- I want to get rid of the prefix in the tag. Is this possible?
- Yes it is. But therefore you have to create your own github action with adopted settings. See .github/workflows/docker-publish.yml as starting point. :warning: Tags have to be unique inside the repo, because they are not bound to a specific branch.
For more information about publishing images to GitHub Packages see: