This is a Flutter Mobile App for an electronics & computer store (or any other use)
It has a Backend (with Node.js - Express) on another repo and it is uploaded to heroku to create a real user experience.
Thus, you may clone, build, directly signup & order if you want to try.
- Auth Screen for Signup and Signin
- Auto-save Credentials to Auto Login with shared preferences package
- A Drawer Menu with a 3 level of hierarchy possibility: Main Items, Sub Items, 3rd Level Items
- Features Carousel on Main Screen with Single Product or Category Options,
Special Price Items for each user (on Main-Home Screen) (see: Image above )
Search Screen
- Single Product Details Screen
- Favorites Screen
- Account Screen
- Cart Screen
- A Few Order Screens, add Address Pages, Credit Card Widgets etc...
- My Orders Screen with options of viewing previous orders on various time ranges."