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Add property tests for invariants (#17)
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meooow25 authored Jan 1, 2024
1 parent 2862e05 commit f4326ff
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Showing 2 changed files with 142 additions and 2 deletions.
117 changes: 115 additions & 2 deletions src/Data/RRBVector/Internal/Debug.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,16 +10,19 @@ module Data.RRBVector.Internal.Debug
, pattern Empty, pattern Root
, Tree, Shift
, pattern Balanced, pattern Unbalanced, pattern Leaf
, Invariant, valid
) where

import Control.Monad.ST (runST)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Bits (shiftL)
import Data.Foldable (foldl', toList, traverse_)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Primitive.PrimArray (PrimArray, primArrayToList)
import Data.Primitive.PrimArray (PrimArray, primArrayToList, indexPrimArray, sizeofPrimArray)

import Data.RRBVector.Internal hiding (Empty, Root, Balanced, Unbalanced, Leaf)
import qualified Data.RRBVector.Internal as RRB
import Data.RRBVector.Internal.Array (Array)
import qualified Data.RRBVector.Internal.Array as A
import qualified Data.RRBVector.Internal.Buffer as Buffer

-- | \(O(n)\). Show the underlying tree of a vector.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,3 +88,113 @@ pattern Leaf :: Array a -> Tree a
pattern Leaf arr <- RRB.Leaf arr

{-# COMPLETE Balanced, Unbalanced, Leaf #-}

-- | Structural invariants a vector is expected to hold.
data Invariant
= RootSizeGt0 -- Root: Size > 0
| RootShiftDiv -- Root: The shift at the root is divisible by blockShift
| RootSizeCorrect -- Root: The size at the root is correct
| RootGt1Child -- Root: The root has more than 1 child if not a Leaf
| BalShiftGt0 -- Balanced: Shift > 0
| BalNumChildren -- Balanced: The number of children is blockSize unless
-- the parent is unbalanced or the node is on the right
-- edge in which case it is in [1,blockSize]
| BalFullChildren -- Balanced: All children are full, except for the last
-- if the node is on the right edge
| UnbalShiftGt0 -- Unbalanced: Shift > 0
| UnbalParentUnbal -- Unbalanced: Parent is Unbalanced
| UnbalNumChildren -- Unbalanced: The number of children is in [1,blockSize]
| UnbalSizes -- Unbalanced: The sizes array is correct
| UnbalNotBal -- Unbalanced: The tree is not full enough to be a
-- Balanced
| LeafShift0 -- Leaf: Shift == 0
| LeafNumElems -- Leaf: The number of elements is in [1,blockSize]
deriving Show

assert :: Invariant -> Bool -> Either Invariant ()
assert i False = Left i
assert _ True = pure ()

-- | Check tree invariants. Returns @Left@ on finding a violated invariant.
valid :: Vector a -> Either Invariant ()
valid RRB.Empty = pure ()
valid (RRB.Root size sh tree) = do
assert RootSizeGt0 $ size > 0
assert RootShiftDiv $ sh `mod` blockShift == 0
assert RootSizeCorrect $ size == countElems tree
assert RootGt1Child $ case tree of
Balanced arr -> length arr > 1
Unbalanced arr _ -> length arr > 1
Leaf _ -> True
validTree Unbal sh tree

data NodeDesc
= Bal -- parent is Balanced
| BalRightEdge -- parent is Balanced and this node is on the right edge
| Unbal -- parent is Unbalanced

validTree :: NodeDesc -> Shift -> Tree a -> Either Invariant ()
validTree desc sh (RRB.Balanced arr) = do
assert BalShiftGt0 $ sh > 0
assert BalNumChildren $ case desc of
Bal -> n == blockSize
BalRightEdge -> n >= 1 && n <= blockSize
Unbal -> n >= 1 && n <= blockSize
assert BalFullChildren $
all (\t -> countElems t == 1 `shiftL` sh) expectedFullChildren
traverse_ (validTree Bal (down sh)) arrInit
validTree descLast (down sh) (A.last arr)
n = length arr
arrInit = A.take arr (n-1)
expectedFullChildren = case desc of
Bal -> arr
BalRightEdge -> arrInit
Unbal -> arrInit
descLast = case desc of
Bal -> Bal
BalRightEdge -> BalRightEdge
Unbal -> BalRightEdge
validTree desc sh (RRB.Unbalanced arr sizes) = do
assert UnbalShiftGt0 $ sh > 0
case desc of
Bal -> assert UnbalParentUnbal False
BalRightEdge -> assert UnbalParentUnbal False
Unbal -> assert UnbalNumChildren $ n >= 1 && n <= blockSize
assert UnbalSizes $ n == sizeofPrimArray sizes
assert UnbalSizes $
all (\i -> countElems (A.index arr i) == getSize sizes i) [0 .. n-1]
assert UnbalNotBal $ not (couldBeBalanced sh arr sizes)
traverse_ (validTree Unbal (down sh)) arr
n = length arr
validTree desc sh (RRB.Leaf arr) = do
assert LeafShift0 $ sh == 0
assert LeafNumElems $ case desc of
Bal -> n == blockSize
BalRightEdge -> n >= 1 && n <= blockSize
Unbal -> n >= 1 && n <= blockSize
n = length arr

-- | Check whether an Unbalanced node could be Balanced.
couldBeBalanced :: Shift -> A.Array (Tree a) -> PrimArray Int -> Bool
couldBeBalanced sh arr sizes =
all (\i -> getSize sizes i == 1 `shiftL` sh) [0 .. n-2] &&
(case A.last arr of
Balanced _ -> True
Unbalanced arr' sizes' -> couldBeBalanced (down sh) arr' sizes'
Leaf _ -> True)
n = length arr

getSize :: PrimArray Int -> Int -> Int
getSize sizes 0 = indexPrimArray sizes 0
getSize sizes i = indexPrimArray sizes i - indexPrimArray sizes (i-1)

countElems :: Tree a -> Int
countElems (RRB.Balanced arr) =
foldl' (\acc tree -> acc + countElems tree) 0 arr
countElems (RRB.Unbalanced arr _) =
foldl' (\acc tree -> acc + countElems tree) 0 arr
countElems (RRB.Leaf arr) = length arr
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions test/Properties.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Prelude hiding ((==)) -- use @===@ instead

import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.RRBVector as V
import qualified Data.RRBVector.Internal.Debug as VDebug
import Test.QuickCheck.Classes.Base
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,29 +66,41 @@ proxyVInt = Proxy
proxyV :: Proxy V
proxyV = Proxy

checkValid :: Show a => V a -> Property
checkValid v = case VDebug.valid v of
Left invariant ->
counterexample ("Invariant violated: " ++ show invariant) $
counterexample (VDebug.showTree v) False
_ -> property ()

properties :: TestTree
properties = testGroup "properties"
[ testGroup "fromList"
[ testProperty "satisfies `fromList . toList = id`" $ \v -> V.fromList (toList v) === v
, testProperty "satisfies `toList . fromList = id`" $ \ls -> toList (V.fromList ls) === ls
, testProperty "satisfies `fromList [] = empty`" $ V.fromList [] === V.empty
, testProperty "satisfies `fromList [x] = singleton x`" $ \x -> V.fromList [x] === V.singleton x
, testProperty "valid" $ \xs -> checkValid (V.fromList xs)
, testGroup "replicate"
[ testProperty "satisifes `replicate n == fromList . replicate n`" $ \(Positive n) x -> V.replicate n x === V.fromList (replicate n x)
, testProperty "returns the empty vector for non-positive n" $ \(NonPositive n) x -> V.replicate n x === V.empty
, testProperty "valid" $ \n x -> checkValid (V.replicate n x)
, testGroup "<|"
[ testProperty "prepends an element" $ \x v -> toList (x V.<| v) === x : toList v
, testProperty "works for the empty vector" $ \x -> x V.<| V.empty === V.singleton x
, testProperty "valid" $ \x v -> checkValid (x V.<| v)
, testGroup "|>"
[ testProperty "appends an element" $ \v x -> toList (v V.|> x) === toList v ++ [x]
, testProperty "works for the empty vector" $ \x -> V.empty V.|> x === V.singleton x
, testProperty "valid" $ \v x -> checkValid (v V.|> x)
, testGroup "><"
[ testProperty "concatenates two vectors" $ \v1 v2 -> toList (v1 V.>< v2) === toList v1 ++ toList v2
, testProperty "works for the empty vector" $ \v -> (V.empty V.>< v === v) .&&. (v V.>< V.empty === v)
, testProperty "valid" $ \v1 v2 -> checkValid (v1 V.>< v2)
, testGroup "lookup"
[ testProperty "gets the element at the index" $ \v (NonNegative i) -> V.lookup i v === lookupList i (toList v)
Expand All @@ -96,47 +109,57 @@ properties = testGroup "properties"
, testGroup "update"
[ testProperty "updates the element at the index" $ \v (NonNegative i) x -> toList (V.update i x v) === updateList i x (toList v)
, testProperty "returns the vector for negative indices" $ \v (Negative i) x -> V.update i x v === v
, testProperty "valid" $ \v i x -> checkValid (V.update i x v)
, testGroup "adjust"
[ testProperty "adjusts the element at the index" $ \v (NonNegative i) (Fn f) -> toList (V.adjust i f v) === adjustList i f (toList v)
, testProperty "returns the vector for negative indices" $ \v (Negative i) (Fn f) -> V.adjust i f v === v
, testProperty "valid" $ \v i (Fn f) -> checkValid (V.adjust i f v)
, testGroup "adjust'"
[ testProperty "adjusts the element at the index" $ \v (NonNegative i) (Fn f) -> toList (V.adjust' i f v) === adjustList i f (toList v)
, testProperty "returns the vector for negative indices" $ \v (Negative i) (Fn f) -> V.adjust' i f v === v
, testProperty "valid" $ \v i (Fn f) -> checkValid (V.adjust' i f v)
, testGroup "viewl"
[ testProperty "works like uncons" $ \v -> fmap (\(x, xs) -> (x, toList xs)) (V.viewl v) === uncons (toList v)
, testProperty "works for the empty vector" $ V.viewl V.empty === Nothing
, testProperty "valid" $ \v -> fmap (checkValid . snd) (V.viewl v)
, testGroup "viewr"
[ testProperty "works like unsnoc" $ \v -> fmap (\(xs, x) -> (toList xs, x)) (V.viewr v) === unsnoc (toList v)
, testProperty "works for the empty vector" $ V.viewr V.empty === Nothing
, testProperty "valid" $ \v -> fmap (checkValid . fst) (V.viewr v)
, testGroup "take"
[ testProperty "takes n elements" $ \v (Positive n) -> toList (V.take n v) === take n (toList v)
, testProperty "returns the empty vector for non-positive n" $ \v (NonPositive n) -> V.take n v === V.empty
, testProperty "valid" $ \v n -> checkValid (V.take n v)
, testGroup "drop"
[ testProperty "drops n elements" $ \v (Positive n) -> toList (V.drop n v) === drop n (toList v)
, testProperty "returns the vector for non-positive n" $ \v (NonPositive n) -> V.drop n v === v
, testProperty "valid" $ \v n -> checkValid (V.drop v n)
, testGroup "splitAt"
[ testProperty "splits the vector" $ \v n -> let (v1, v2) = V.splitAt n v in (toList v1, toList v2) === splitAt n (toList v)
, testProperty "valid" $ \v n -> let (v1, v2) = V.splitAt n v in checkValid v1 .&&. checkValid v2
, testGroup "insertAt"
[ testProperty "inserts an element" $ \v i x -> toList (V.insertAt i x v) === insertAtList i x (toList v)
, testProperty "prepends for negative indices" $ \v (Negative i) x -> V.insertAt i x v === x V.<| v
, testProperty "appends for too large indices" $ \v x -> forAll (arbitrary `suchThat` (> length v)) $ \i -> V.insertAt i x v === v V.|> x
, testProperty "satisfies `insertAt 0 x v = x <| v`" $ \v x -> V.insertAt 0 x v === x V.<| v
, testProperty "satisfies `insertAt (length v) x v = v |> x`" $ \v x -> V.insertAt (length v) x v === v V.|> x
, testProperty "valid" $ \v i x -> checkValid (V.insertAt i x v)
, testGroup "deleteAt"
[ testProperty "deletes an element" $ \v (NonNegative i) -> toList (V.deleteAt i v) === deleteAtList i (toList v)
, testProperty "returns the vector for negative indices" $ \v (Negative i) -> V.deleteAt i v === v
, testProperty "returns the vector for too large indices" $ \v -> forAll (arbitrary `suchThat` (>= length v)) $ \i -> V.deleteAt i v === v
, testProperty "satisfies `deleteAt 0 v = drop 1 v`" $ \v -> V.deleteAt 0 v === V.drop 1 v
, testProperty "satisfies `deleteAt (length v - 1) v = take (length v - 1) v`" $ \v -> V.deleteAt (length v - 1) v === V.take (length v - 1) v
, testProperty "valid" $ \v i -> checkValid (V.deleteAt i v)
, testGroup "findIndexL"
[ testProperty "finds the first index" $ \v (Fn f) -> V.findIndexL f v === Seq.findIndexL f (Seq.fromList (toList v))
Expand All @@ -156,16 +179,20 @@ properties = testGroup "properties"
, testGroup "reverse"
[ testProperty "reverses the vector" $ \v -> toList (V.reverse v) === reverse (toList v)
, testProperty "valid" $ \v -> checkValid (V.reverse v)
, testGroup "zip"
[ testProperty "zips two vectors" $ \v1 v2 -> toList ( v1 v2) === zip (toList v1) (toList v2)
, testProperty "valid" $ \v1 v2 -> checkValid ( v1 v2)
, testGroup "zipWith"
[ testProperty "zips two vectors with a function" $ \v1 v2 -> toList (V.zipWith (+) v1 v2) === zipWith (+) (toList v1) (toList v2)
, testProperty "satisfies `zipWith (,) v1 v2 = zip v1 v2`" $ \v1 v2 -> V.zipWith (,) v1 v2 === v1 v2
, testProperty "valid" $ \v1 v2 (Fn2 f) -> checkValid (V.zipWith f v1 v2)
, testGroup "unzip"
[ testProperty "unzips the vector" $ \v -> (\(xs, ys) -> (toList xs, toList ys)) (V.unzip v) === unzip (toList v)
, testProperty "valid" $ \v -> let (v1, v2) = V.unzip v in checkValid v1 .&&. checkValid v2
, instances
, laws
Expand Down

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