Notes for the book Fluent Python, 1st Edition (O'Reilly, 2015)
- Python数据模型(the Python Data Model)
- 序列构成的数组(An array of sequences)
- 字典和集合(Dictionaries and sets)
- 文本和字节序列(Text and bytes)
- 一等函数(First-class functions)
- 使用一等函数实现设计模式(Design patterns with first class functions)
- 函数装饰器和闭包(Closures and decorators)
- 对象引用、可变性以及垃圾回收(Object references, mutability and recycling)
- 符合Python风格的对象(Pythonic objects)
- 序列的修改、散列和切片(Sequence hacking, hashing and slicing)
- 接口:从协议到抽象基类(Interfaces, protocols and ABCs)
- 继承的优缺点(Inheritance: for good or for worse)
- 正确重载运算符(Operator overloading: doing it right)
- 可迭代的对象、迭代器和生成器(Iterables, iterators and generators)
- 上下文管理器和else模块(Context managers and something else)
- 协程(Coroutines)
- 使用futures处理并发(Concurrency with futures)
- 使用asyncio包处理并发(Concurrency with asyncio)
- 动态属性和特性(Dynamic attributes and properties)
- 属性描述符(Attribute descriptors)
- 类元编程(Class metaprogramming)
- 本书总结