Hey I'm Alex. I graduated from the Bloom Institute of Technology for data science, and am currently working on Finite Element Analysis tools for engineers & designers in Python/React. In my free time I like to play chess, study CS & do DSA in groups, and build financial analytic tools for active traders. Shoot me an email if you want to chat!
Here's some recent projects I've worked in:
• Built stock screening tools & a program to place paper trades based on patterns/combinations of indicators generated on multiple timeframes. (private repo)
• Built supply chain analytics tools for a manufacturing company, and implemented ARIMA forecasting for their material purchases to alleviate suply chain contangos.
• Created a site to place a fictional Kickstarter project into, and see if it'll be successfully funded based on NLP & similar projects.
• Implement an API that uses OCR libraries to extract legal information from court cases & determine success metrics based on document classification.
• Performed analysis of 2020 election data using pandas and matplotlib to determine polling accuracy against the actual results on a state-by-state basis.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on coding challenges and algorithm puzzles. Mostly working on Leetcode problems & reading algo books at the moment.
- 💬 Ask me about what was recently on Hacker News! I've read it everyday for the past 7+ years and think it's by far the best public forum on the internet.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I bought a large whiteboard to practice problems on and it's absolutely fantastic for accountability & brainstorming solutions.
- 📫 How to reach me: Send me an email at [email protected]