This project, I built a React web application called Jammming. It was a larning project using React components, passing state, and requests with the Spotify API to build a website that allows users to search the Spotify library, create a custom playlist, then save it to their Spotify account. This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
The applications surge, a static web publishing to host the site:
- Include preview samples for each track
- Only display songs not currently present in the playlist inthe search results
- Add a loading screen while playlist is saving
- Update the access token logic to expire at exactly the right -time, instead of setting expiration from when the user initiatestheir next search
- After user redirect on login, restoring the search term from -before the redirect
- Ensure playlist information doesn’t get cleared if a user hasto refresh their access token
This was a long form project from Codecademy's Web Development skill path.