Forklift controller.
Deploy the latest Forklift operator index to the cluster
make deploy-operator-index REGISTRY_TAG=latest
Custom build of the controller, bundle and index which will be deployed to the cluster
export REGISTRY_ORG=user
make push-controller-image \
push-operator-bundle-image \
push-operator-index-image \
Note: The order of targets is important as the bundle needs to be created after controller and index after bundle.
Name | Default value | Description |
REGISTRY_TAG | devel | The tag with which the image will be built and pushed to the registry. |
REGISTRY_ORG | kubev2v | The registry organization to which the built image should be pushed. |
REGISTRY | | The registry address to which the images should be pushed. |
CONTAINER_CMD | autodetected | The container runtime command (e.g.: /usr/bin/podman) |
VERSION | 99.0.0 | The version with which the forklift should be built. |
NAMESPACE | konveyor-forklift | The namespace in which the operator should be installed. |
CHANNELS | development | The olm channels. |
DEFAULT_CHANNEL | development | The default olm channel. |
OPERATOR_IMAGE | | The forklift operator image with the ansible-operator role. |
CONTROLLER_IMAGE | | The forklift controller image. |
MUST_GATHER_IMAGE | | The forklift must gather an image. |
UI_PLUGIN_IMAGE | | The forklift OKD/OpenShift UI plugin image. |
VALIDATION_IMAGE | | The forklift validation image. |
VIRT_V2V_IMAGE | | The forklift virt v2v image for cold migration. |
POPULATOR_CONTROLLER_IMAGE | | The forklift volume-populator controller image. |
OVIRT_POPULATOR_IMAGE | | The oVirt populator image. |