This release is for KubeVela v1.4.3
curl -fsSl https://static.kubevela.net/script/install-velad.sh | bash -s 1.4.3
Only the official release version is supported for Windows.
powershell -Command "iwr -useb https://static.kubevela.net/script/install-velad.ps1 | iex"
Embedded Component Versions
Component | Version |
Vela-core | v1.4.3 |
VelaUX | v1.4.3 |
vela CLI | v1.4.3 |
K3s | v1.21.10+k3s1 |
K3d | v5.4.1 |
What's Changed
- Fix: vela CLI check default kubeconfig existence by @chivalryq in #27
- fix readme by @wonderflow in #29
- Fix: generate kubeconfig in Windows by @chivalryq in #30
- Feat: bump vela to v1.4.3 by @chivalryq in #32
New Contributors
- @wonderflow made their first contribution in #29
Full Changelog: v1.4.2...v1.4.3