- added async-await client methods (#32) #32 (Philip Niedertscheider)
Bug Fixes
- added .ruby-version (Philip Niedertscheider)
- changed coverage output path (Philip Niedertscheider)
- updated copyright in LICENSE (Philip Niedertscheider)
- added examples for async-await and callback usage (Philip Niedertscheider)
- updated Jazzy configuration (Philip Niedertscheider)
- added CODEOWNERS (Philip Niedertscheider)
- added CONTRIBUTING (Philip Niedertscheider)
- fixed links and reduced focus on Combine (Philip Niedertscheider)
- fixed header image url (Philip Niedertscheider)
- deps: updated Ruby gem dependencies (Philip Niedertscheider)
- deps: update dependency maxdesiatov/xmlcoder to from: "0.16.0" (#29) #29 (renovate[bot])
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v4 (#31) #31 (renovate[bot])
- deps: update dependency maxdesiatov/xmlcoder to from: "0.17.1" (#30) #30 (renovate[bot])
- deps: updated Package.resolved (Philip Niedertscheider)
- deps: updated Ruby gem dependencies (Philip Niedertscheider)
- ci: added Kodiak configuration (Philip Niedertscheider)
- ci: added Danger setup (Philip Niedertscheider)
- ci: updated publish release workflow (Philip Niedertscheider)
- deps: updated Swift Package format to 5.6 (Philip Niedertscheider)
- ci: added improvements to testing workflows (Philip Niedertscheider)
- ci: fixed coverage output folder missing (Philip Niedertscheider)
- ci: fixed Dangerfile (Philip Niedertscheider)
- ci: fixed ref name in documentation workflow (Philip Niedertscheider)
- ci: renamed build and test workflow (Philip Niedertscheider)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v4 (#33) #33 (renovate[bot])
- 99c614b: Update LICENSE year (Philip Niedertscheider)
- 2355ecf: Update dependency MaxDesiatov/XMLCoder to from: "0.14.0" (#25) (renovate[bot]) #25
- b9880fe: Update dependency jazzy to v0.14.3 (#28) (renovate[bot]) #28
- c57a70a: Update dependency MaxDesiatov/XMLCoder to from: "0.15.0" (renovate[bot]) #27
- cd53e01: Create codeql.yml (Philip Niedertscheider)