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Sometimes you have to fight your own wars on the web! Anyway, this is a small library for http web error and statuses.


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Sometimes you have to fight your own wars on the web! Anyway, this is a small library for http web error and statuses.

This yet another http web status code and http web error codes library. It's simple and clean and comprised of two parts:

  1. StatusCodes: these are the numbers for http status codes. Sure you could have numbers only, but at least you have some meaning to them now!
  2. HttpStatusError: These are your extended Error objects, which are extended from HttpStatusError in here. If you need some specific type of error simply preprend the name in front. For example, you need I am a teapot, it's IAmATeapotHttpStatusError!

All items are based off of Mozilla's response docs, and deprecated items are removed.

Note: if you need deprecated errors, you can do so with the HttpStatusError object

Breaking change! statusCode is now StatusCode.

Install it!

npm i

Use it!

Yes, these are horrible examples, but hopefully they at least show you that you have meaningful status codes, meaningful error, and a way to create custom http status errors!

Also note, that I'm not going to check if your status code is w/n a range. I assume you want to be the leader of your own destiny, so here you go, and I hope you enjoy! :)

import {
} from '';

const goingPlaces = function(value){
 if (typeof value === 'object' ) throw new BadRequestHttpStatusError('why did you pass an object?');

 return { statusCode: StatusCodes.ok };

const custom = function(value){
 if (value === 'we are jumping!' ) throw new HttpStatusError(2019, 'why did you pass an object?');

 return { statusCode: StatusCodes.ok };

Lists of supported items


Status Name Status Code Error Type
- - HttpStatusError
continue 100 -
switchingProtocol 101 -
webDavProcessing 102 -
earlyHints 103 -
ok 200 -
created 201 -
accepted 202 -
nonAuthoritativeInformation 203 -
noContent 204 -
webDaveMutliStatus7 207 -
webDaveMutliStatus8 208 -
imUsed 226 -
multipleChoice 300 -
movedPermanently 301 -
found 302 -
seeOther 303 -
notModified 304 -
permanentRedirect 308 -
badRequest 400 BadRequestHttpStatusError
unauthorized 401 UnauthorizedHttpStatusError
paymentRequired 402 PaymentRequiredHttpStatusError
forbidden 403 ForbiddenHttpStatusError
notFound 404 NotFoundHttpStatusError
methodNotAllowed 405 MethodNotAllowedHttpStatusError
notAcceptable 406 NotAcceptableHttpStatusError
proxyAuthenticationRequired 407 ProxyAuthenticationRequiredHttpStatusError
requestTimeout 408 RequestTimeoutHttpStatusError
conflict 409 ConflictHttpStatusError
gone 410 GoneHttpStatusError
lengthRequired 411 LengthRequiredHttpStatusError
preconditionFailed 412 PreconditionFailedHttpStatusError
payloadTooLarge 413 PayloadTooLargeHttpStatusError
uriTooLong 414 UriTooLongHttpStatusError
unsupportedMediaType 415 UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpStatusError
requestedRangeNotSatisfiable 416 RequestedRangeNotSatisfiableHttpStatusError
expectationFailed 417 ExpectationFailedHttpStatusError
iAmATeapot 418 IAmATeapotHttpStatusError
misdirectedRequest 421 MisdirectedRequestHttpStatusError
webDavUnprocessableEntity 422 WebDavUnprocessableEntityHttpStatusError
webDavLocked 423 WebDavLockedHttpStatusError
webDavFailedDependency 424 WebDavFailedDependencyHttpStatusError
tooEarly 425 TooEarlyHttpStatusError
upgradeRequired 426 UpgradeRequiredHttpStatusError
preconditionRequired 428 PreconditionRequiredHttpStatusError
tooManyRequests 429 TooManyRequestsHttpStatusError
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge 431 RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeHttpStatusError
unavailableForLegalReasons 451 UnavailableForLegalReasonsHttpStatusError
internalServerError 500 InternalServerErrorHttpStatusError
notImplemented 501 NotImplementedHttpStatusError
badGateway 502 BadGatewayHttpStatusError
serviceUnavailable 503 ServiceUnavailableHttpStatusError
gatewayTimeout 504 GatewayTimeoutHttpStatusError
httpVersionNotSupported 505 HttpVersionNotSupportedHttpStatusError
variantAlsoNegotiates 506 VariantAlsoNegotiatesHttpStatusError
insufficientStorage 507 InsufficientStorageHttpStatusError
webDavLoopDetected 508 WebDavLoopDetectedHttpStatusError
notExtended 510 NotExtendedHttpStatusError
networkAuthenticationRequired 511 NetworkAuthenticationRequiredHttpStatusError


Sometimes you have to fight your own wars on the web! Anyway, this is a small library for http web error and statuses.







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