Use the go get tool to download and install. If you have not already done so first install websocket:
go get
go get
Obtaining an EventManager:
var EventManager *wsevents.EventManager = wsevents.NewEventManager()
Start listening for incomming events on a websocket:
func wsHandler(ws *websocket.Conn) {
Obtaining a channel for a single event (Mostly used in OO):
var EventChannel chan *EventPackage = EventManager.RegisterEvent("EventName")
Obtaining a channel that receives all events:
var HandlerChannel chan *EventPackage = EventManager.RegisterHandler()
Sending something to a specific websocket:
pack <- EventChannel
pack.EventManager.Send(pack.Id, "Some Message")
Sending something to all (Or selection created by Dispatcher.Match) websockets in EventManager:
pack <- EventChannel
pack.EventManager.Dispatch(pack) // *EventPackage implements Dispatcher interface
Removing an Event- or HandlerChannel:
- If a handler changes the EventPackage obtained trough its channel other handlers might be affected.
- To much use of mutexes. Could probably be changed to "share by communicating".