MASPY is a Python
Framework which aims to ease the development of a
Multi-Agent Systems based on the BDI paradigm. In this paradigm, an agent
will contain Beliefs, its knowledge, Desire, its wants, and
Intentions, how it will achieve their wants.
MASPY creates an abstraction layer to model the agents and the environment where the agents will act. An agent may contain any number of Beliefs, Objectives, Plans, these to classes model desires and intentions, respectively. The agent can communicate with others agents, by sending or requesting any of the previous entitys. This Framework uses a Knowledge Query Model Language to model the communication between agents using acts of speech, or perfomatives, as a base model, in this way an agent can ask, tell, command or teach anything it needs and knows.
Table of Contents
Managing Beliefs and Goals
: Creating, removing and using Beliefs and GoalsDefining plans
: Proprieties for the definition of PlansCommunication between Agents
: How to send messages between AgentsManaging the Environment
: How to create Environments and its PerceptsInternal Functions
: All available MASPY functions.
To install MASPY you can use package-management system pip
pip install maspy-ml
To update your already installed version of MASPY to the latest one, you can use:
pip install maspy-ml -U
The minimum version of Python
guarateed to work is 3.10, altough earlier
versions may work.
- Properly addition of Intention Mechanisms
- Updated usage of environment plans
- Removed Numpy necessity
- New internal function to perceive environments during plans
- Fixed problem of overwriting perceived beliefs of the environment
- Better error explanations for debugging
- More concise system logging
- Better typing for functions
- Fixed perception speed
- Fixed ending multiple agents problem
- Better agent finder
The MASPY Framework is made of four main classes. The Agent Class for the managing beliefs, goals and plans. The Environment Class for providing perception and interaction context to agents The Communication Class for agents to exchange messages and information The Admin Class for configuration and control of the system
Each Agent follows the BDI reasoning and each cycle occors as presented in the following diagram:
To use the Framework you need this simple import from maspy import *
, nothing more or less.
Everything for MASPY
to run correctly in imported this way.
To create a new agent, you only need to extend Agent
in your class,
this adds all of the necessary logic to execute an agent. the following
snippet shows how to create an DummyAgent
To create an instance of any agent, only the Extension is needed.
Technically, this is a MASPY Agent:
from maspy import *
class DummyAgent(Agent):
my_agent = DummyAgent()
named_agent = DummyAgent("Ag")
When the snippet above is run, this is the printed result:
Starting MASPY Program
# Admin #> Registering Agent DummyAgent:('DummyAgent', 1)
Channel:default> Connecting agent DummyAgent:('DummyAgent', 1)
# Admin #> Registering Agent DummyAgent:('Ag', 1)
Channel:default> Connecting agent DummyAgent:('Ag', 1)
It will execute indeterminably, while doing nothing.
The agent can start with some inital Beliefs or Goals.
For most of theses explanations, the code from "examples/" will be used.
from maspy import *
class Driver(Agent):
def __init__(self, agent_name=None):
driver = Driver("Drv")
Here are some info about Beliefs and Goals being created and removed.
- This function adds a goal to the agent;
- The first field represents the goal key and must always be a string;
- The second field represents arguments of the goal and will always be a tuple;
- Each argument can have any structure, with each position of the tuple representing a different one;
- The third field represents the goal source. It is "self" by default, or another agent.
- adding or removing a goal always creates an event for agent, which will try to find a applicable plan.
agent = DummyAgent("Ag")
agent.add( Goal(key, args, source) )
agent.rm( Goal(key, args, source) )
agent.add( Goal("check_house", {"Area": [50,100], "Rooms": 5}, ("Seller",27) ) )
agent.add( Goal("SendInfo", ("Information",["List","of","Information",42]) ) )
agent.rm( Goal("walk", source=("trainer",2)) )
- This function adds a belief to the agent;
- The first an second field work exaclty the same way as the goal's
- The third field represents the belief source. It is "self" by default, another agent or an environment.
- The fourth field dictates if the adding or removing the belief will generate a new event.
- By default it does, but sometimes one does not want a group of beliefs to be considerend new events
agent = DummyAgent("Ag")
agent.add( Belief(Key, Args, Source, Adds_Event) )
agent.rm( Belief(Key, Args, Source, Adds_Event) )
agent.add( Belief("Dirt", (("remaining",3),[(2,2),(3,7),(5,1)])) )
agent.rm( Belief("spot",("A",4,"free"),"Parking",False) )
agent.add( Belief("velocity",57) )
To define plans it is also really simple, it only needs the @pl
This decoration must contain the plan change {gain, lose or test}, the data that changed {Belief(s) or Goal(s)} and optionally
a context needed to be true to execute the plan {Belief(s) or Goal(s)}.
change: TypeVar('gain'|'lose'|'test')
changed_data: Iterable[Belief | Goal] | Belief | Goal
context: Iterable[Belief | Goal] | Belief | Goal
@pl(change, changed_data, context)
def foo(self,src, *changed_data.args, *context.args):
Resuming the the driver example, you can implement a plan the following way:
from maspy import *
class Driver(Agent):
def __init__(self, agent_name=None):
# This plan will be executed whenever the agent gains the goal "checkPrice"
# Every plan needs at least self and src, plus the arguments from the trigger and context
# for this plan, the context is the belief of a budget with wanted and max prices
@pl(gain,Goal("checkPrice", Any),Belief("budget",(Any, Any)))
def check_price(self, src, given_price, budget):
driver = Driver("Drv")
Running the system is simple, given the utilities support we have in place.
The Admin
module contains a few useful methods to start and manage the
In case you only need to start all agents, the following snippet is enough.
driver1 = Driver("Drv")
driver2 = Driver("Drv")
In this example, both agents have the same name "Drv".
For communication to not be ambiguous, the Admin names them "Drv_1" and "Drv_2".
After starting the agents they may use the default channel or be connected to private one.
from maspy import *
class Manager(Agent):
def __init__(self, agt_name=None):
@pl(gain,Goal("sendPrice"),Belief("spotPrice", Any))
def send_price(self,src,spot_price):
# The agent manager sends a goal to the manager via the Parking channel
class Driver(Agent):
def __init__(self, agt_name=None):
def ask_price(self,src):
# The agent driver sends a goal to the manager via the Parking channel
self.send("Manager", achieve, Goal("sendPrice"),"Parking")
park_ch = Channel("Parking")
manager = Manager()
driver = Driver("Drv")
The following are the different directives to send messages between agents.
self.send(<target>, <directive>, <info>, optional[<channel>])
tell -> Add Belief on target
untell -> Remove Belief from target
achieve -> Add Goal to target
unachieve -> Remove Goal from target
askOne -> Ask for Belief from target
askOneReply -> Ask for Belief from target and wait for Reply
askAll -> Ask for all similar Beliefs from target
askAllReply -> Ask for all similar Beliefs from target and wait for Reply
tellHow -> Add Plan on target
untellHow -> Remove Plan from target
askHow -> Ask for Plan from target
askHowReply -> Ask for Plan from target and wait for Reply
also gives an abstraction to model the environment.
Here's how you create a parking lot for the manager and driver from before:
from maspy import *
class Park(Environment):
def __init__(self, env_name=None):
# This creates in the environment a percept for connected agents to perceive.
# This specific percept does not create a event when percieved by an agent
def park_spot(self, agt, spot_id):
# The function get gives you percepts from the environment
# It has various filters to make this search more precise
spot = self.get(Percept("spot",(spot_id,"free")))
if spot:
# This function is used to modify the arguments of an percept.
# You could also remove the old and create the new
def leave_spot(self, agt):
spot = self.get(Percept("spot",("ID",driver)))
if spot:
from maspy import *
class Park(Environment):
def __init__(self, env_name=None):
def park_spot(self, agt, spot_id):
spot = self.get(Percept("spot",(spot_id,"free")))
if spot:
class Driver(Agent)
@pl(gain,Goal("park",("Park_Name", Any)))
def park_on_spot(self,src,park_name,spot_id):
# This agent functions makes the connection with an environment or channel
# Just give it Channel(Name) or Envrionment(Name) to add it to the agent
# After the connection, the agent can execute the envrionment plan directly
from maspy import *
class SimpleEnv(Environment):
def env_act(self, agt, agent2):
self.print(f"Contact between {agt} and {agent2}")
class SimpleAgent(Agent):
@pl(gain,Goal("say_hello", Any))
def send_hello(self,src,agent):
def recieve_hello(self,src):
self.print(f"Hello received from {src}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
agent1 = SimpleAgent()
agent2 = SimpleAgent()
env = SimpleEnv()
ch = Channel("SimpleChannel")
This code will generate the following prints:
# Admin #> Starting MASPY Program
# Admin #> Registering Agent SimpleAgent:('SimpleAgent', 1)
# Admin #> Registering Channel:default
Channel:default> Connecting agent SimpleAgent:('SimpleAgent', 1)
# Admin #> Registering Agent SimpleAgent:('SimpleAgent', 2)
Channel:default> Connecting agent SimpleAgent:('SimpleAgent', 2)
# Admin #> Registering Environment SimpleEnv:SimpleEnv
# Admin #> Registering Channel:SimpleChannel
Environment:SimpleEnv> Connecting agent SimpleAgent:('SimpleAgent', 1)
Channel:SimpleChannel> Connecting agent SimpleAgent:('SimpleAgent', 1)
Environment:SimpleEnv> Connecting agent SimpleAgent:('SimpleAgent', 2)
Channel:SimpleChannel> Connecting agent SimpleAgent:('SimpleAgent', 2)
Agent:SimpleAgent_1> Adding Goal say_hello(SimpleAgent_2)[self]
Agent:SimpleAgent_1> New Event: gain,Goal say_hello(SimpleAgent_2)[self]
# Admin #> Starting Agents
Agent:SimpleAgent_1> Running gain : Goal say_hello(typing.Any)[self], [], send_hello() )
Channel:SimpleChannel> SimpleAgent_1 sending tell:Belief Hello(())[SimpleAgent_1] to SimpleAgent_2
Agent:SimpleAgent_2> Adding Belief Hello(())[SimpleAgent_1]
Agent:SimpleAgent_2> New Event: gain,Belief Hello(())[SimpleAgent_1]
Agent:SimpleAgent_2> Running gain : Belief Hello(())[self], [], recieve_hello() )
Agent:SimpleAgent_2> Hello received from SimpleAgent_1
Environment:SimpleEnv> Contact between SimpleAgent_2 and SimpleAgent_1
# Admin #> [Closing System]
# Admin #> Still running agent(s):
SimpleAgent_1 | SimpleAgent_2 |
# Admin #> Ending MASPY Program
This program must be terminated using a ctrl+c. Otherwise the system would continue running indeterminately.
The project still has some rough edges that should be considered.
- The framework API will probably have a decent amount of breaking changes in the future.
- There is no support to run a `MASPY`` system in a distributed setting.
- The system performance still unmeasured, altough running a toy system with over thousands of agents was possible.
MASPY: Towards the Creation of BDI Multi-Agent Systems, WESAAC 2023
___ : Represents either an object instance outside its class, or self inside its class.
Iterable : Represents any data structuture that can be iterated.
___.print_beliefs # Print all agent's current beliefs-
___.print_goals # Print all agent's current goals
___.print_plans # Print all agent's current plans
___.print_events # Print all agent's current events
Prints the given arguments with the agent's name as a prefix.
*args: The arguments to be printed.
**kwargs: The keyword arguments to be printed.
___.print(*args, **kwargs)
Connects agent to a target
target - Channel, Environment or str
when target is str it searches for a file with str for its name
Connected Channel, Environment or None
___.connect_to(target: Environment | Channel | str)
Disconnects agent from a target
target - Channel or Environment
___.disconnect_from(target: Channel | Environment)
Adds one or more beliefs and(or) goals in agent
data_type - Belief, Goal, Beliefs and(or) Goals
___.add(data_type: Belief | Goal | Iterable[Belief | Goal])
Removes one or more beliefs and(or) goals from agent
data_type - Belief, Goal, Beliefs and(or) Goals
___.rm(data_type: Belief | Goal | Iterable[Belief | Goal])
Adds one or more plans in agent
plan - Plan or Plan List
def add_plan(plan: Plan | List[Plan]):
Removes one or more plans from agent
plan - Plan or Plan List
def rm_plan(plan: Plan | List[Plan]):
Checks if the agent has an belief, goal, plan or event
data_type - Belief, Goal, Plan or Event
bool: True if has, False if not
___.has(data_type: Belief | Goal | Plan | Event)
Creates an test event for the given data_type
data_type: The Belief or Goal to be tested
___.test(self, data_type: Belief | Goal)
Suspends the current plan for a given time or until a certain event is received.
timeout: The time in seconds to suspend the plan. Defaults to None.
event: The event to wait for. Defaults to None.
___.wait(timeout: Optional[float] = None, event: Optional[Event] = None)
Retrieves a specific data from the agent's knowledge on the given data_type and search parameters
data_type - Belief, Goal, Plan or Event: The type of data to retrieve.
search_with - Belief, Goal, Plan or Event: The info to search with. Defaults to None.
all - bool: Whether to return all matching data or just the first match. Defaults to False.
ck_chng - bool: Whether to check the changes argument in the data. Defaults to True.
ck_type - bool: Whether to check the type of the data. Defaults to True.
ck_args - bool: Whether to check the arguments of the data. Defaults to True.
ck_src - bool: Whether to check the source of the data. Defaults to True.
List[data] | data: The retrieved data of the specified type.
If no matches are found, returns None.
___.get(data_type: Belief | Goal | Plan | Event,
search_with: Belief | Goal | Plan | Event = None,
all = False, ck_chng=True, ck_type=True, ck_args=True, ck_src=True)
ACTS = tell | untell |
tellHow | untellHow |
achieve | unachieve |
askOne | askAll | askHow
askOneReply | askAllReply | askHowReply
MSG = Belief | Ask | Goal | Plan | List[Belief | Ask | Goal | Plan]
Sends a message to target agent or agents, optionally through a channel
target - str or List[str]: broadcast, target agent name or agents names to send the message to.
act - ACTS: The directive of the message.
msg - MSG: The message to send.
channel - str: The channel to send the message through. Defaults to DEFAULT_CHANNEL.
___.send(target: str | List[str], act: ACTS, msg: MSG, channel: str = DEFAULT_CHANNEL)
Finds another agent's name also connected in an Environment or Channel
agent_name - str or list[str]: The class agent or list containing the class name and instance name.
cls_type - str or None: The type of class to search in. Defaults to None.
cls_name - str or None: The name of the class to search in. Defaults to None.
list[str] or None: A list of the names of the agents with the provided specifications.
___.list_agents(agent_class: str | list[str],
cls_type: Optional[str] = None,
cls_name: Optional[str] = None)
Perceives the specified environment(s) and updates the agent's beliefs.
env_name str or list[str]: The name of the environment or a list of environment names to perceive.
env_name can also accepts "all" to perceive all connected environments.
___.perceive(env_name: str | list[str])
# Depreciated Method: Now you should directly use the environment function #
Retrieves the environment instance with the given name to make an action
env_name - str: The name of the environment to retrieve.
Environment or None: The retrieved environment or None found.
___.action(env_name: str)
Stops and Removes all intentions and events from the intention and event list that both contains the given data_type.
data_type: The data type to remove from the intentions.
___.drop_all_desire(data_type: Belief | Goal)
Stops and Removes the oldest intention and event from the intention and event list that both contains the given data_type.
data_type: The data type to remove from the intentions.
___.drop_desire(data_type: Belief | Goal)
Removes all events from the event list that contains the given data_type.
data_type: The data type to remove from the intentions.
___.drop_all_event(data_type: Belief | Goal)
Removes the oldest event from the event list that contains the given data_type.
data_type: The data type to remove from the intentions.
___.drop_event(data_type: Belief | Goal)
Stops and Removes all intentions from the intention list that contains the given data_type.
data_type: The data type to remove from the intentions.
___.drop_all_intention(data_type: Belief | Goal)
Stops and Removes the oldest intention from the intention list that contains the given data_type.
data_type: The data type to remove from the intentions.
___.drop_intention(data_type: Belief | Goal)
Start the agent reasoning cycle manually.
Stop the cycle of the agent.
This method stops the cycle of the agent by setting the `stop_flag` event to True,
indicating that the cycle should be stopped. It also sets the `paused_agent` flag
to True, indicating that the agent has been paused.Finally, it sets the `running`
flag to False, indicating that the agent is no longer running.
___.print_percepts # prints all environment's current percepts
Prints the given arguments with the environment's name as a prefix.
*args: The arguments to be printed.
**kwargs: The keyword arguments to be printed.
___.print(*args, **kwargs )
Creates in environment one or multiple percepts
percept - list[Percept] | Percept: The one or multiple Percept to be created.
___.create(percept: list[Percept] | Percept)
Retrieves from environment one or multiple percepts that match the given percept
percept - Percept: The percept to search for.
all - bool: If True, returns all matching percepts. Defaults to False.
ck_group - bool: Whether to check the group of the percept. Defaults to False.
ck_args - bool: Whether to check the arguments of the percept. Defaults to True.
List[Percept] or Percept: The retrieved percept(s).
If no matches are found, returns None.
___.get(percept: Percept, all: bool=False, ck_group: bool=False, ck_args: bool=True)
Changes the arguments of a percept
old_percept - Percept: The percept to be changed.
new_args - Percept.args: The new arguments for the percept.
___.change(old_percept: Percept, new_args: Percept.args)
Deletes from environment one or multiple percepts
percept - Iterable[Percept] | Percept: The one or multiple Percept to be deleted.
___.delete(percept: list[Percept] | Percept)
Starts the reasoning cycle of all created agents
Starts the reasoning cycle of one of multiple agents
agents: list[Agent] or Agent: The agent(s) to start their reasoning cycle
Admin().start_agents(agents: Union[list[Agent], Agent])
Connects any number agents to any number of Channels and Environments
agents: Iterable[Agent] or Agent: The agent(s) to connect
targets: Iterable[Environment or Channel], Environment or Channel: The target(s) to connect to
Admin().connect_to(agents: Iterable | Agent,
targets: Iterable[Environment | Channel] | Environment | Channel)
Sets the logging configuration for the whole system
show_exec: bool: Whether to show execution logs
show_cycle: bool: Whether to show reasoning cycle logs
show_prct: bool: Whether to show perception logs
show_slct: bool: Whether to show selection of plans logs
set_<class>: bool: Whether to affect the class to True | False
Admin().set_logging(show_exec: bool, show_cycle: bool=False,
show_prct: bool=False, show_slct: bool=False,
set_admin=True, set_agents=True,
set_channels=True, set_environments=True)
Slows all agents reasoning cycles by x seconds
time: int | float: The time to sleep in seconds
Admin().slow_cycle_by(time: int | float):