Simulated Automotive Environment for the Rules Of the Road - (SAE-RoR)
AV-agent-00: the agent and the environment work for the following Road Junction rules (from UK Highway Code):
rules 170, 171, 172.
UK Highway Code:[]
Design, formalise, implement and verify the Road Junction rules into an intelligent agent, which represents the behaviour of an Autonomous Vehicle.
We aim to assess the adaption of the Road Junction rules into an Autonomous Vehicle.
SAE-RoR brings a complete architecture to assess the application of Road Junction rules, here are the main stages of our architecture:
- Formal representation of the Road Junction rules from the UK Highway Code using Linear Temporal Logic (LTL).
- Modelling Agent and Environment using timed automata with UPPAAL.
- Implementation of Agent and Environment using Gwendolen agent programming language.
- Formal verification of Road Junction properties using UPPAAL.
- Formal verification of Road Junction properties using MCAPL/AJPF.
SAE-RoR is part of a research project, which is a collaboration between Federal University of Technology - Parana (UTFPR) and University of Manchester.
A Double-Level Model Checking Approach for an Agent-Based Autonomous Vehicle and Road Junction Regulations
For further publications go to []
Gleifer Vaz Alves [email protected] []
Louise Dennis [email protected]
Michael Fisher [email protected]
Vithor Tozetto [email protected]