Keyring is a launchr plugin and a service providing a password storage functionality encrypted with age. The storage is encrypted with a passphrase.
To add a new item with an interactive shell:
launchr login
If an interactive shell is not available, credentials may be provided with flags:
launchr login \
--url= \
--username=USER \
Flag --keyring-passphrase
is available for all launchr commands, for example:
launchr compose --keyring-passphrase=YOURPASSHRPASE
To delete an item from the keyring:
launchr logout URL
launchr logout --all
The file is created in .launchr/keyring.yaml.age
The content may be viewed/edited with age cli:
age -d .launchr/keyring.yaml.age
age -p .launchr/keyring.yaml > .launchr/keyring.yaml.age
Add a module dependency:
go get -u
To use the keyring in code, get the service from the app:
package main
import (
func GetPassword(app launchr.App, url string) (keyring.CredentialsItem, error) {
// Get the service by type from the app.
var k keyring.Keyring
// Get by url. Error if the keyring could not be unlocked.
// Error keyring.ErrNotFound is returned if an item was not found.
creds, err := k.GetForURL(url)
if err != nil {
return keyring.CredentialsItem{}, err
return creds, nil
Include with launchr build:
launchr build -p