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feat: upstream 'change at' tactic (#345)
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kim-em authored Nov 20, 2023
1 parent 048be9b commit a3b8011
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Showing 3 changed files with 195 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Std.lean
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Expand Up @@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ import Std.Tactic.Alias
import Std.Tactic.Basic
import Std.Tactic.ByCases
import Std.Tactic.Case
import Std.Tactic.Change
import Std.Tactic.CoeExt
import Std.Tactic.Congr
import Std.Tactic.Exact
Expand Down
112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions Std/Tactic/Change.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Kyle Miller. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kyle Miller
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Replace
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Location

# Implementation of the `change at h` tactic

namespace Lean.MVarId

open Lean Elab Meta

/-- Function to help do the revert/intro pattern, running some code inside a context
where certain variables have been reverted before re-introing them.
It will push `FVarId` alias information into info trees for you according to a simple protocol.
- `fvarIds` is an array of `fvarIds` to revert. These are passed to
`Lean.MVarId.revert` with `preserveOrder := true`, hence the function
raises an error if they cannot be reverted in the provided order.
- `k` is given the goal with all the variables reverted and
the array of reverted `FVarId`s, with the requested `FVarId`s at the beginning.
It must return a tuple of a value, an array describing which `FVarIds` to link,
and a mutated `MVarId`.
The `a : Array (Option FVarId)` array returned by `k` is interpreted in the following way.
The function will intro `a.size` variables, and then for each non-`none` entry we
create an FVar alias between it and the corresponding `intro`ed variable.
For example, having `k` return ` .some` causes all reverted variables to be
`intro`ed and linked.
Returns the value returned by `k` along with the resulting goal.
def withReverted (mvarId : MVarId) (fvarIds : Array FVarId)
(k : MVarId → Array FVarId → MetaM (α × Array (Option FVarId) × MVarId))
(clearAuxDeclsInsteadOfRevert := false) : MetaM (α × MVarId) := do
let (xs, mvarId) ← mvarId.revert fvarIds true clearAuxDeclsInsteadOfRevert
let (r, xs', mvarId) ← k mvarId xs
let (ys, mvarId) ← mvarId.introNP xs'.size
mvarId.withContext do
for x? in xs', y in ys do
if let some x := x? then
pushInfoLeaf (.ofFVarAliasInfo { id := y, baseId := x, userName := ← y.getUserName })
return (r, mvarId)

Replace the type of the free variable `fvarId` with `typeNew`.
If `checkDefEq = true` then throws an error if `typeNew` is not definitionally
equal to the type of `fvarId`. Otherwise this function assumes `typeNew` and the type
of `fvarId` are definitionally equal.
This function is the same as `Lean.MVarId.changeLocalDecl` but makes sure to push substitution
information into the infotree.
def changeLocalDecl' (mvarId : MVarId) (fvarId : FVarId) (typeNew : Expr)
(checkDefEq := true) : MetaM MVarId := do
mvarId.checkNotAssigned `changeLocalDecl
let (_, mvarId) ← mvarId.withReverted #[fvarId] fun mvarId fvars => mvarId.withContext do
let check (typeOld : Expr) : MetaM Unit := do
if checkDefEq then
unless ← isDefEq typeNew typeOld do
throwTacticEx `changeLocalDecl mvarId
m!"given type{indentExpr typeNew}\nis not definitionally equal to{indentExpr typeOld}"
let finalize (targetNew : Expr) := do
return ((), .some, ← mvarId.replaceTargetDefEq targetNew)
match ← mvarId.getType with
| .forallE n d b bi => do check d; finalize (.forallE n typeNew b bi)
| .letE n t v b ndep => do check t; finalize (.letE n typeNew v b ndep)
| _ => throwTacticEx `changeLocalDecl mvarId "unexpected auxiliary target"
return mvarId

end Lean.MVarId

open Lean Elab Tactic Meta

/-- `change` can be used to replace the main goal or its local
variables with definitionally equal ones.
For example, if `n : ℕ` and the current goal is `⊢ n + 2 = 2`, then
change _ + 1 = _
changes the goal to `⊢ n + 1 + 1 = 2`. The tactic also applies to the local context.
If `h : n + 2 = 2` and `h' : n + 3 = 4` are in the local context, then
change _ + 1 = _ at h h'
changes their types to be `h : n + 1 + 1 = 2` and `h' : n + 2 + 1 = 4`.
Change is like `refine` in that every placeholder needs to be solved for by unification,
but you can use named placeholders and `?_` where you want `change` to create new goals.
The tactic `show e` is interchangeable with `change e`, where the pattern `e` is applied to
the main goal. -/
elab_rules : tactic
| `(tactic| change $newType:term $[$loc:location]?) => do
withLocation (expandOptLocation (Lean.mkOptionalNode loc))
(atLocal := fun h => do
let hTy ← h.getType
-- This is a hack to get the new type to elaborate in the same sort of way that
-- it would for a `show` expression for the goal.
let mvar ← mkFreshExprMVar none
let (_, mvars) ← elabTermWithHoles
(← `(term | show $newType from $(← Term.exprToSyntax mvar))) hTy `change
liftMetaTactic fun mvarId => do
return (← mvarId.changeLocalDecl' h (← inferType mvar)) :: mvars)
(atTarget := evalTactic <| ← `(tactic| refine_lift show $newType from ?_))
(failed := fun _ => throwError "change tactic failed")
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions test/change.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import Std.Tactic.Change
import Std.Tactic.GuardExpr

private axiom test_sorry : ∀ {α}, α

set_option linter.missingDocs false
set_option autoImplicit true

example : n + 2 = m := by
change n + 1 + 1 = _
guard_target =ₛ n + 1 + 1 = m
exact test_sorry

example (h : n + 2 = m) : False := by
change _ + 1 = _ at h
guard_hyp h :ₛ n + 1 + 1 = m
exact test_sorry

example : n + 2 = m := by
fail_if_success change true
fail_if_success change _ + 3 = _
fail_if_success change _ * _ = _
change (_ : Nat) + _ = _
exact test_sorry

-- `change ... at ...` allows placeholders to mean different things at different hypotheses
example (h : n + 3 = m) (h' : n + 2 = m) : False := by
change _ + 1 = _ at h h'
guard_hyp h :ₛ n + 2 + 1 = m
guard_hyp h' :ₛ n + 1 + 1 = m
exact test_sorry

-- `change ... at ...` preserves dependencies
example (p : n + 2 = m → Type) (h : n + 2 = m) (x : p h) : false := by
change _ + 1 = _ at h
guard_hyp x :ₛ p h
exact test_sorry

noncomputable example : Nat := by
fail_if_success change Type 1
exact test_sorry

def foo (a b c : Nat) := if a < b then c else 0

example : foo 1 2 3 = 3 := by
change (if _ then _ else _) = _
change ite _ _ _ = _
change (if _ < _ then _ else _) = _
change _ = (if true then 3 else 4)

example (h : foo 1 2 3 = 4) : True := by
change ite _ _ _ = _ at h
guard_hyp h :ₛ ite (1 < 2) 3 0 = 4

example (h : foo 1 2 3 = 4) : True := by
change (if _ then _ else _) = _ at h
guard_hyp h : (if 1 < 2 then 3 else 0) = 4

example (α : Type) [LT α] (x : α) (h : x < x) : x < id x := by
change _ < _ -- can defer LT typeclass lookup, just like `show`
change _ < _ at h -- can defer LT typeclass lookup at h too
guard_target =ₛ x < id x
change _ < x
guard_target =ₛ x < x
exact h

-- This example shows using named and anonymous placeholders to create a new goal.
example (x y : Nat) (h : x = y) : True := by
change (if 1 < 2 then x else ?z + ?_) = y at h
· exact 4
· exact 37
guard_hyp h : (if 1 < 2 then x else 4 + 37) = y
· trivial

example : let x := 22; let y : Nat := x; let z : Fin (y + 1) := 0; z.1 < y + 1 := by
intro x y z -- `z` was previously erroneously marked as unused
change _ at y
exact z.2

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