Contributors: leobaiano
Donate link:
Tags: rating, rates, post rates, post star, star post, vote
Requires at least: 3.8
Tested up to: 3.8
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Plugin allows users to mark the number of stars of each post and display the average.
The Post Star plugin aims to classify the posts with 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 stars based on the average classification defined by site visitors.
To monitor and improve the classification plugin checks the IP of users before voting.
- jRating alpixel
You can contribute to the source code in our GitHub page.
To install just follow the installation steps of most WordPress plugin's:
- Download the file;
- Unzip the file on your computer;
- Upload folder post-ranking-view, you just unzip to
directory; - Activate the plugin through the
menu in WordPress; - Be happy.
Add the code below where you want the stars to appear:
1 - Let the plugin generate the HTML
<?php if ( function_exists( 'displayPostStar' ) ) { displayPostStar( $post->ID ); } ?>
###1. Plugin Post Star in action###
- Creation of the plugin, the initial version.