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base repository: makerdao/market-maker-keeper
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base: master
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head repository: leverj/market-maker-keeper
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compare: master
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  • 3 commits
  • 3 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Dec 9, 2020

  1. Copy the full SHA
    4b721ec View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    dc22d9e View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    3bbb3a8 View commit details
Showing with 337 additions and 1 deletion.
  1. +1 −1 .gitmodules
  2. +5 −0 bin/leverjfutures-market-maker-keeper_v2
  3. +331 −0 market_maker_keeper/
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .gitmodules
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
url =
[submodule "lib/pyexchange"]
path = lib/pyexchange
url =
url =
[submodule "lib/gdax-client"]
path = lib/gdax-client
url =
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions bin/leverjfutures-market-maker-keeper_v2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
dir="$(dirname "$0")"/..
source $dir/_virtualenv/bin/activate || exit
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$dir:$dir/lib/pymaker:$dir/lib/pyexchange:$dir/lib/ethgasstation-client:$dir/lib/pygasprice-client:$dir/lib/gdax-client
exec python3 -m market_maker_keeper.leverjfutures_market_maker_keeper_v2 $@
331 changes: 331 additions & 0 deletions market_maker_keeper/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
# This file is part of Maker Keeper Framework.
# Copyright (C) 2020 mitakash
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import argparse
import logging
import sys
from typing import List
from math import log10
from import Bands, NewOrder
from market_maker_keeper.control_feed import create_control_feed
from market_maker_keeper.limit import History
from market_maker_keeper.order_book import OrderBookManager
from market_maker_keeper.order_history_reporter import create_order_history_reporter
from market_maker_keeper.price_feed import PriceFeedFactory
from market_maker_keeper.reloadable_config import ReloadableConfig
from market_maker_keeper.spread_feed import create_spread_feed
from market_maker_keeper.util import setup_logging
from pymaker.lifecycle import Lifecycle
from pymaker.numeric import Wad
from pyexchange.leverjfutures_v2 import LeverjFuturesAPI, Order
from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider
from pymaker.keys import register_keys
from decimal import *

_context = Context(prec=1000, rounding=ROUND_DOWN)

class LeverjMarketMakerKeeper:
"""Keeper acting as a market maker on leverj."""

logger = logging.getLogger()

def __init__(self, args: list):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='leverj-market-maker-keeper')

parser.add_argument("--leverj-api-server", type=str, default="",
help="Address of the leverj API server (default: '')")

parser.add_argument("--account-id", type=str, default="",
help="Address of leverj api account id")

parser.add_argument("--api-key", type=str, default="",
help="Address of leverj api key")

parser.add_argument("--api-secret", type=str, default="",
help="Address of leverj api secret")

parser.add_argument("--leverj-timeout", type=float, default=9.5,
help="Timeout for accessing the Leverj API (in seconds, default: 9.5)")

parser.add_argument("--rpc-host", type=str, default="localhost",
help="JSON-RPC host (default: `localhost')")

parser.add_argument("--rpc-port", type=int, default=8545,
help="JSON-RPC port (default: `8545')")

parser.add_argument("--rpc-timeout", type=int, default=10,
help="JSON-RPC timeout (in seconds, default: 10)")

parser.add_argument("--eth-from", type=str, required=True,
help="Ethereum account from which to watch our trades")

parser.add_argument("--eth-key", type=str, nargs='*',
help="Ethereum private key(s) to use (e.g. 'key_file=aaa.json,pass_file=aaa.pass')")

parser.add_argument("--config", type=str, required=True,
help="Bands configuration file")

parser.add_argument("--price-feed", type=str, required=True,
help="Source of price feed")

parser.add_argument("--price-feed-expiry", type=int, default=120,
help="Maximum age of the price feed (in seconds, default: 120)")

parser.add_argument("--spread-feed", type=str,
help="Source of spread feed")

parser.add_argument("--spread-feed-expiry", type=int, default=3600,
help="Maximum age of the spread feed (in seconds, default: 3600)")

parser.add_argument("--control-feed", type=str,
help="Source of control feed")

parser.add_argument("--control-feed-expiry", type=int, default=86400,
help="Maximum age of the control feed (in seconds, default: 86400)")

parser.add_argument("--order-history", type=str,
help="Endpoint to report active orders to")

parser.add_argument("--order-history-every", type=int, default=30,
help="Frequency of reporting active orders (in seconds, default: 30)")

parser.add_argument("--refresh-frequency", type=int, default=3,
help="Order book refresh frequency (in seconds, default: 3)")

parser.add_argument("--pair", type=str, required=True,
help="Token pair (sell/buy) on which the keeper will operate")

parser.add_argument("--leverage", type=str, required=True,
help="Leverage chosen for futures orders")

parser.add_argument("--debug", dest='debug', action='store_true',
help="Enable debug output")

self.arguments = parser.parse_args(args)

self.web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(endpoint_uri=f"http://{self.arguments.rpc_host}:{self.arguments.rpc_port}",
request_kwargs={"timeout": self.arguments.rpc_timeout}))

self.web3.eth.defaultAccount = self.arguments.eth_from
register_keys(self.web3, self.arguments.eth_key)


self.bands_config = ReloadableConfig(self.arguments.config)
self.price_feed = PriceFeedFactory().create_price_feed(self.arguments)
self.spread_feed = create_spread_feed(self.arguments)
self.control_feed = create_control_feed(self.arguments)
self.order_history_reporter = create_order_history_reporter(self.arguments)
self.target_price_lean = Wad(0)

self.history = History()

self.leverj_api = LeverjFuturesAPI(web3=self.web3,

self.order_book_manager = OrderBookManager(refresh_frequency=self.arguments.refresh_frequency)
self.order_book_manager.get_orders_with(lambda: self.leverj_api.get_orders(self.pair()))
self.order_book_manager.get_balances_with(lambda: self.leverj_api.get_balances())
self.order_book_manager.cancel_orders_with(lambda order: self.leverj_api.cancel_order(order.order_id))
self.order_book_manager.enable_history_reporting(self.order_history_reporter, self.our_buy_orders,

def main(self):
with Lifecycle() as lifecycle:
lifecycle.every(1, self.synchronize_orders)

def startup(self):
quote_increment = self.leverj_api.get_tickSize(self.pair())
self.precision = -(int(log10(float(quote_increment)))+1)

def shutdown(self):

def pair(self):
name_to_id_map = {'BTCDAI': '1', 'ETHDAI': '2'}
return name_to_id_map[self.arguments.pair.upper()]

def leverage(self):
leverage_in_float = self.arguments.leverage
if leverage_in_float is None:
leverage_in_float = 1.0
return leverage_in_float

def token_sell(self) -> str:
return self.arguments.pair.upper()[:3]

def token_buy(self) -> str:
return self.arguments.pair.upper()[3:]

def allocated_balance(self, token: str) -> Wad:
quote_asset_address = self.leverj_api.get_product(self.pair())["quote"]["address"]
# for perpetual contracts, the quote balance is allocated across instruments and sides to enter into trades
total_available = self.leverj_api.get_quote_balance(quote_asset_address)
# adjust for leverage
total_available = Decimal(total_available)*Decimal(self.leverage())
self.logger.debug(f'total_available: {total_available}')
return self._allocate_to_pair(total_available).get(token)

def _allocate_to_pair(self, total_available):
# total number of instruments across which the total_available balance is distributed
# total_available is denominated in quote units
total_number_of_instruments = 1

# there are 2 partitions for allocation per instrument
# the dai amount is divided in 2, one for the buy side and another for the sell side
number_of_partitions_for_allocation = Wad.from_number(total_number_of_instruments*2)

# buffer_adjustment_factor is a small intentional buffer to avoid allocating the maximum possible.
# the allocated amount is a little smaller than the maximum possible allocation
# and that is determined by the buffer_adjustment_factor
buffer_adjustment_factor = Wad.from_number(1.05)

base = self.arguments.pair.upper()[:3]
quote = self.arguments.pair.upper()[3:]
target_price = self.price_feed.get_price()
product = self.leverj_api.get_product(self.pair())
minimum_order_quantity = self.leverj_api.get_minimum_order_quantity(self.pair())
minimum_quantity_wad = Wad.from_number(minimum_order_quantity)

if ((base == product['baseSymbol']) and (quote == product['quoteSymbol'])):
if ((target_price is None) or (target_price.buy_price is None) or (target_price.sell_price is None)):
base_allocation = Wad(0)
quote_allocation = Wad(0)
self.logger.debug(f'target_price not available to calculate allocations')
average_price = (target_price.buy_price + target_price.sell_price)/Wad.from_number(2)
# at 1x average_price * minimum_quantity_wad is the minimum_required_balance
# multiplying this minimum_required_balance by 2 to avoid sending very small orders to the exchange
minimum_required_balance = average_price*minimum_quantity_wad*Wad.from_number(2)
# conversion_divisor is the divisor that determines how many chunks should Dai be distributed into.
# It considers the price of the base to convert into base denomination.
conversion_divisor = average_price*number_of_partitions_for_allocation*buffer_adjustment_factor
open_position_for_base = self.leverj_api.get_position_in_wad(base)
total_available_wad = Wad.from_number(Decimal(total_available)/Decimal(Decimal(10)**Decimal(18)))
base_allocation = total_available_wad/conversion_divisor
quote_allocation = total_available_wad/number_of_partitions_for_allocation
self.logger.debug(f'open_position_for_base: {open_position_for_base}')
# bids are made basis quote_allocation and asks basis base_allocation
# if open position is net long then quote_allocation is adjusted.
# if open position is net too long then target_price is adjusted to reduce price of the asks/offers
if (open_position_for_base.value > 0):
open_position_for_base_in_quote = open_position_for_base*average_price
net_adjusted_quote_value = quote_allocation.value - abs(open_position_for_base_in_quote.value)
self.logger.debug(f'net_adjusted_quote_value: {net_adjusted_quote_value}')
quote_allocation = Wad(net_adjusted_quote_value) if net_adjusted_quote_value > minimum_required_balance.value else Wad(0)
# if open position is within 1 Wad range or more than quote allocations then target price is leaned down by 0.1 percent
if Wad(net_adjusted_quote_value) < Wad(1):
self.target_price_lean = Wad.from_number(0.999)
self.target_price_lean = Wad(0)
elif (open_position_for_base.value < 0):
# if open position is net short then base_allocation is adjusted
# if open position is net too short then target_price is adjusted to increase price of the bids
net_adjusted_base_value = base_allocation.value - abs(open_position_for_base.value)
minimum_required_balance_in_base = minimum_required_balance/average_price
self.logger.debug(f'net_adjusted_base_value: {net_adjusted_base_value}')
base_allocation = Wad(net_adjusted_base_value) if net_adjusted_base_value > minimum_required_balance_in_base.value else Wad(0)
# if open position is within 1 Wad range or more than base allocations then target price is leaned up by 0.1 percent
if Wad(net_adjusted_base_value) < Wad(1):
self.target_price_lean = Wad.from_number(1.001)
self.target_price_lean = Wad(0)
base_allocation = Wad(0)
quote_allocation = Wad(0)

allocation = {base: base_allocation, quote: quote_allocation}
self.logger.debug(f'allocation: {allocation}')
return allocation

def our_sell_orders(self, our_orders: list) -> list:
return list(filter(lambda order: order.is_sell, our_orders))

def our_buy_orders(self, our_orders: list) -> list:
return list(filter(lambda order: not order.is_sell, our_orders))

def adjust_target_price(self, target_price):
target_price_lean = self.target_price_lean
if ((target_price is None) or (target_price.buy_price is None) or (target_price.sell_price is None)):
return target_price
if target_price_lean.value == 0:
return target_price
self.logger.debug(f'target_price_lean: {target_price_lean}')
adjusted_target_price = target_price
adjusted_target_price.buy_price = (target_price.buy_price)*target_price_lean
adjusted_target_price.sell_price = (target_price.sell_price)*target_price_lean
return adjusted_target_price

def synchronize_orders(self):
bands =, self.spread_feed, self.control_feed, self.history)

order_book = self.order_book_manager.get_order_book()
target_price = self.price_feed.get_price()
target_price = self.adjust_target_price(target_price)
self.logger.debug(f'target_price buy_price: {target_price.buy_price}, target_price sell_price: {target_price.sell_price}')
# Cancel orders
cancellable_orders = bands.cancellable_orders(our_buy_orders=self.our_buy_orders(order_book.orders),
if len(cancellable_orders) > 0:

# Do not place new orders if order book state is not confirmed
if order_book.orders_being_placed or order_book.orders_being_cancelled:"Order book is in progress, not placing new orders")

# Place new orders
new_orders = bands.new_orders(our_buy_orders=self.our_buy_orders(order_book.orders),

def place_orders(self, new_orders: List[NewOrder]):
def place_order_function(new_order_to_be_placed):
price = round(new_order_to_be_placed.price, self.precision + 2)
amount = new_order_to_be_placed.pay_amount if new_order_to_be_placed.is_sell else new_order_to_be_placed.buy_amount
self.logger.debug(f'amount: {amount}')
leverage_in_wad = Wad.from_number(self.leverage())
order_id = str(self.leverj_api.place_order(self.pair(), price, 'LMT', new_order_to_be_placed.is_sell, price, amount, leverage_in_wad, False))
return Order(order_id=order_id,

for new_order in new_orders:
self.order_book_manager.place_order(lambda new_order=new_order: place_order_function(new_order))

if __name__ == '__main__':