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place leveraged orders by specifying preferred leverage as a parameter
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tshanky committed Dec 9, 2020
1 parent 4b721ec commit dc22d9e
Showing 1 changed file with 331 additions and 0 deletions.
331 changes: 331 additions & 0 deletions market_maker_keeper/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
# This file is part of Maker Keeper Framework.
# Copyright (C) 2020 mitakash
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import argparse
import logging
import sys
from typing import List
from math import log10
from import Bands, NewOrder
from market_maker_keeper.control_feed import create_control_feed
from market_maker_keeper.limit import History
from market_maker_keeper.order_book import OrderBookManager
from market_maker_keeper.order_history_reporter import create_order_history_reporter
from market_maker_keeper.price_feed import PriceFeedFactory
from market_maker_keeper.reloadable_config import ReloadableConfig
from market_maker_keeper.spread_feed import create_spread_feed
from market_maker_keeper.util import setup_logging
from pymaker.lifecycle import Lifecycle
from pymaker.numeric import Wad
from pyexchange.leverjfutures_v2 import LeverjFuturesAPI, Order
from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider
from pymaker.keys import register_keys
from decimal import *

_context = Context(prec=1000, rounding=ROUND_DOWN)

class LeverjMarketMakerKeeper:
"""Keeper acting as a market maker on leverj."""

logger = logging.getLogger()

def __init__(self, args: list):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='leverj-market-maker-keeper')

parser.add_argument("--leverj-api-server", type=str, default="",
help="Address of the leverj API server (default: '')")

parser.add_argument("--account-id", type=str, default="",
help="Address of leverj api account id")

parser.add_argument("--api-key", type=str, default="",
help="Address of leverj api key")

parser.add_argument("--api-secret", type=str, default="",
help="Address of leverj api secret")

parser.add_argument("--leverj-timeout", type=float, default=9.5,
help="Timeout for accessing the Leverj API (in seconds, default: 9.5)")

parser.add_argument("--rpc-host", type=str, default="localhost",
help="JSON-RPC host (default: `localhost')")

parser.add_argument("--rpc-port", type=int, default=8545,
help="JSON-RPC port (default: `8545')")

parser.add_argument("--rpc-timeout", type=int, default=10,
help="JSON-RPC timeout (in seconds, default: 10)")

parser.add_argument("--eth-from", type=str, required=True,
help="Ethereum account from which to watch our trades")

parser.add_argument("--eth-key", type=str, nargs='*',
help="Ethereum private key(s) to use (e.g. 'key_file=aaa.json,pass_file=aaa.pass')")

parser.add_argument("--config", type=str, required=True,
help="Bands configuration file")

parser.add_argument("--price-feed", type=str, required=True,
help="Source of price feed")

parser.add_argument("--price-feed-expiry", type=int, default=120,
help="Maximum age of the price feed (in seconds, default: 120)")

parser.add_argument("--spread-feed", type=str,
help="Source of spread feed")

parser.add_argument("--spread-feed-expiry", type=int, default=3600,
help="Maximum age of the spread feed (in seconds, default: 3600)")

parser.add_argument("--control-feed", type=str,
help="Source of control feed")

parser.add_argument("--control-feed-expiry", type=int, default=86400,
help="Maximum age of the control feed (in seconds, default: 86400)")

parser.add_argument("--order-history", type=str,
help="Endpoint to report active orders to")

parser.add_argument("--order-history-every", type=int, default=30,
help="Frequency of reporting active orders (in seconds, default: 30)")

parser.add_argument("--refresh-frequency", type=int, default=3,
help="Order book refresh frequency (in seconds, default: 3)")

parser.add_argument("--pair", type=str, required=True,
help="Token pair (sell/buy) on which the keeper will operate")

parser.add_argument("--leverage", type=str, required=True,
help="Leverage chosen for futures orders")

parser.add_argument("--debug", dest='debug', action='store_true',
help="Enable debug output")

self.arguments = parser.parse_args(args)

self.web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(endpoint_uri=f"http://{self.arguments.rpc_host}:{self.arguments.rpc_port}",
request_kwargs={"timeout": self.arguments.rpc_timeout}))

self.web3.eth.defaultAccount = self.arguments.eth_from
register_keys(self.web3, self.arguments.eth_key)


self.bands_config = ReloadableConfig(self.arguments.config)
self.price_feed = PriceFeedFactory().create_price_feed(self.arguments)
self.spread_feed = create_spread_feed(self.arguments)
self.control_feed = create_control_feed(self.arguments)
self.order_history_reporter = create_order_history_reporter(self.arguments)
self.target_price_lean = Wad(0)

self.history = History()

self.leverj_api = LeverjFuturesAPI(web3=self.web3,

self.order_book_manager = OrderBookManager(refresh_frequency=self.arguments.refresh_frequency)
self.order_book_manager.get_orders_with(lambda: self.leverj_api.get_orders(self.pair()))
self.order_book_manager.get_balances_with(lambda: self.leverj_api.get_balances())
self.order_book_manager.cancel_orders_with(lambda order: self.leverj_api.cancel_order(order.order_id))
self.order_book_manager.enable_history_reporting(self.order_history_reporter, self.our_buy_orders,

def main(self):
with Lifecycle() as lifecycle:
lifecycle.every(1, self.synchronize_orders)

def startup(self):
quote_increment = self.leverj_api.get_tickSize(self.pair())
self.precision = -(int(log10(float(quote_increment)))+1)

def shutdown(self):

def pair(self):
name_to_id_map = {'BTCDAI': '1', 'ETHDAI': '2'}
return name_to_id_map[self.arguments.pair.upper()]

def leverage(self):
leverage_in_float = self.arguments.leverage
if leverage_in_float is None:
leverage_in_float = 1.0
return leverage_in_float

def token_sell(self) -> str:
return self.arguments.pair.upper()[:3]

def token_buy(self) -> str:
return self.arguments.pair.upper()[3:]

def allocated_balance(self, token: str) -> Wad:
quote_asset_address = self.leverj_api.get_product(self.pair())["quote"]["address"]
# for perpetual contracts, the quote balance is allocated across instruments and sides to enter into trades
total_available = self.leverj_api.get_quote_balance(quote_asset_address)
# adjust for leverage
total_available = Decimal(total_available)*Decimal(self.leverage())
self.logger.debug(f'total_available: {total_available}')
return self._allocate_to_pair(total_available).get(token)

def _allocate_to_pair(self, total_available):
# total number of instruments across which the total_available balance is distributed
# total_available is denominated in quote units
total_number_of_instruments = 1

# there are 2 partitions for allocation per instrument
# the dai amount is divided in 2, one for the buy side and another for the sell side
number_of_partitions_for_allocation = Wad.from_number(total_number_of_instruments*2)

# buffer_adjustment_factor is a small intentional buffer to avoid allocating the maximum possible.
# the allocated amount is a little smaller than the maximum possible allocation
# and that is determined by the buffer_adjustment_factor
buffer_adjustment_factor = Wad.from_number(1.05)

base = self.arguments.pair.upper()[:3]
quote = self.arguments.pair.upper()[3:]
target_price = self.price_feed.get_price()
product = self.leverj_api.get_product(self.pair())
minimum_order_quantity = self.leverj_api.get_minimum_order_quantity(self.pair())
minimum_quantity_wad = Wad.from_number(minimum_order_quantity)

if ((base == product['baseSymbol']) and (quote == product['quoteSymbol'])):
if ((target_price is None) or (target_price.buy_price is None) or (target_price.sell_price is None)):
base_allocation = Wad(0)
quote_allocation = Wad(0)
self.logger.debug(f'target_price not available to calculate allocations')
average_price = (target_price.buy_price + target_price.sell_price)/Wad.from_number(2)
# at 1x average_price * minimum_quantity_wad is the minimum_required_balance
# multiplying this minimum_required_balance by 2 to avoid sending very small orders to the exchange
minimum_required_balance = average_price*minimum_quantity_wad*Wad.from_number(2)
# conversion_divisor is the divisor that determines how many chunks should Dai be distributed into.
# It considers the price of the base to convert into base denomination.
conversion_divisor = average_price*number_of_partitions_for_allocation*buffer_adjustment_factor
open_position_for_base = self.leverj_api.get_position_in_wad(base)
total_available_wad = Wad.from_number(Decimal(total_available)/Decimal(Decimal(10)**Decimal(18)))
base_allocation = total_available_wad/conversion_divisor
quote_allocation = total_available_wad/number_of_partitions_for_allocation
self.logger.debug(f'open_position_for_base: {open_position_for_base}')
# bids are made basis quote_allocation and asks basis base_allocation
# if open position is net long then quote_allocation is adjusted.
# if open position is net too long then target_price is adjusted to reduce price of the asks/offers
if (open_position_for_base.value > 0):
open_position_for_base_in_quote = open_position_for_base*average_price
net_adjusted_quote_value = quote_allocation.value - abs(open_position_for_base_in_quote.value)
self.logger.debug(f'net_adjusted_quote_value: {net_adjusted_quote_value}')
quote_allocation = Wad(net_adjusted_quote_value) if net_adjusted_quote_value > minimum_required_balance.value else Wad(0)
# if open position is within 1 Wad range or more than quote allocations then target price is leaned down by 0.1 percent
if Wad(net_adjusted_quote_value) < Wad(1):
self.target_price_lean = Wad.from_number(0.999)
self.target_price_lean = Wad(0)
elif (open_position_for_base.value < 0):
# if open position is net short then base_allocation is adjusted
# if open position is net too short then target_price is adjusted to increase price of the bids
net_adjusted_base_value = base_allocation.value - abs(open_position_for_base.value)
minimum_required_balance_in_base = minimum_required_balance/average_price
self.logger.debug(f'net_adjusted_base_value: {net_adjusted_base_value}')
base_allocation = Wad(net_adjusted_base_value) if net_adjusted_base_value > minimum_required_balance_in_base.value else Wad(0)
# if open position is within 1 Wad range or more than base allocations then target price is leaned up by 0.1 percent
if Wad(net_adjusted_base_value) < Wad(1):
self.target_price_lean = Wad.from_number(1.001)
self.target_price_lean = Wad(0)
base_allocation = Wad(0)
quote_allocation = Wad(0)

allocation = {base: base_allocation, quote: quote_allocation}
self.logger.debug(f'allocation: {allocation}')
return allocation

def our_sell_orders(self, our_orders: list) -> list:
return list(filter(lambda order: order.is_sell, our_orders))

def our_buy_orders(self, our_orders: list) -> list:
return list(filter(lambda order: not order.is_sell, our_orders))

def adjust_target_price(self, target_price):
target_price_lean = self.target_price_lean
if ((target_price is None) or (target_price.buy_price is None) or (target_price.sell_price is None)):
return target_price
if target_price_lean.value == 0:
return target_price
self.logger.debug(f'target_price_lean: {target_price_lean}')
adjusted_target_price = target_price
adjusted_target_price.buy_price = (target_price.buy_price)*target_price_lean
adjusted_target_price.sell_price = (target_price.sell_price)*target_price_lean
return adjusted_target_price

def synchronize_orders(self):
bands =, self.spread_feed, self.control_feed, self.history)

order_book = self.order_book_manager.get_order_book()
target_price = self.price_feed.get_price()
target_price = self.adjust_target_price(target_price)
self.logger.debug(f'target_price buy_price: {target_price.buy_price}, target_price sell_price: {target_price.sell_price}')
# Cancel orders
cancellable_orders = bands.cancellable_orders(our_buy_orders=self.our_buy_orders(order_book.orders),
if len(cancellable_orders) > 0:

# Do not place new orders if order book state is not confirmed
if order_book.orders_being_placed or order_book.orders_being_cancelled:"Order book is in progress, not placing new orders")

# Place new orders
new_orders = bands.new_orders(our_buy_orders=self.our_buy_orders(order_book.orders),

def place_orders(self, new_orders: List[NewOrder]):
def place_order_function(new_order_to_be_placed):
price = round(new_order_to_be_placed.price, self.precision + 2)
amount = new_order_to_be_placed.pay_amount if new_order_to_be_placed.is_sell else new_order_to_be_placed.buy_amount
self.logger.debug(f'amount: {amount}')
leverage_in_wad = Wad.from_number(self.leverage())
order_id = str(self.leverj_api.place_order(self.pair(), price, 'LMT', new_order_to_be_placed.is_sell, price, amount, leverage_in_wad, False))
return Order(order_id=order_id,

for new_order in new_orders:
self.order_book_manager.place_order(lambda new_order=new_order: place_order_function(new_order))

if __name__ == '__main__':

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