A generic task runner
This is a example to get all input
in the page by using the genericrunner
import {Engine, buildFlowFromConfig} from 'genericrunner';
let flowConfig = {
id: 'flow', // id is a unique string
type: 'flow', // means this is a flow node
nodes: [
// start node
id: '0',
type: 'ready',
name: 'ready'
// we initial the chrome headless mode
id: '1',
type: 'launchchrome',
options: {
port: 9222
name: 'init chrome headless'
// open a page
id: '2',
type: 'openpage',
options: {
url: 'http://www.xxx.com'
name: 'open baidu'
// transform node is for data transform
// we get chrome instance from prev node result
id: '3',
type: 'transform',
options: {
code: 'return arguments[0].chrome;'
name: 'get chrome from {chrome, network}'
// get all input from the page
id: '4',
type: 'dom',
options: {
selector: 'input'
name: 'get dom'
links: [
type: 'link',
fromId: '0',
fromPort: 0,
toId: '1',
toPort: 0
type: 'link',
fromId: '1',
toId: '2',
toPort: 0
type: 'link',
fromId: '2',
fromPort: 0,
toId: '3',
toPort: 0
type: 'link',
fromId: '3',
fromPort: 0,
toId: '4',
toPort: 0
let flow = buildFlowFromConfig(flowConfig);
let engine = new Engine(flow);
await engine.run();
ready: start node
dom: get dom from page
launchchrome: initial a headless chrome with a blank page
openpage: open a page in headless chrome, return network & dom modules
shell: execute a shell command, hold the process util command executed
transform: when the input & output requires diffrent struct of data, please use transform to adapt
There will be more~
import {
} from 'genericrunner';
// the path where you node placed;
export default class MyNode extends Node {
name = 'myNode';
// The type is exactly the same with your filename,
// genericrunner find your node by filename, so don't make it diffrent
static type = 'myNode';
async exec(param) {
// custom options
let {xxx, yyy} = this.options;
// do what you want
let ret = 'ret';
// and return a ReturnValue instance
return new ReturnValue(0, ret, this);
git clone https://github.com/li-yinan/generic-runner-plugin-example modify package.json rename these code
"name": "generic-runner-plugin-xxx",
"description": "xxx",
"version": "xxx",
"author": "xxx"
then npm publish