In addition to new CMake support by @madebr and many bug fixes, here are the highlights since the last release:
- API documentation is now available on the wiki: https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_image
- Added stb_image as the default backend for JPG and PNG images loading.
To use libpng and libjpg instead, configure using --disable-stb-image - Added IMG_LoadSizedSVG_RW()
- Added support for AVIF images (https://github.com/AOMediaCodec/libavif)
- Added IMG_ReadXPMFromArrayToRGB888()
- Added support for JXL images (https://jpegxl.info/)
- Added support for QOI images (https://qoiformat.org/)
- Fixed XCF regression introduced in 2.0.5
- Added support for loading animated GIFs
- LoadBMP() now loads files using SDL2
- Allow using libwebpdecoder instead libwebp