testing specs for recipes: name: string summary: text description: text
-name must be present -name must be between 5 and less than 100 characters -summary must be present -summary must be between 10 characters and less than 150 characters -description must be present -descriptions must be between 20 and 500 characters -chef_id must be present
testing specs for chefs: chefname: string email: string
-chefname must be present -chefname must be between 3 and 40 characters -email must be present -email must be unique -email must be valid
Chefs: What we have already -Chef model and validations -chefs table with columns chefname and email What we need to do: -add passwords to the chefs table so chefs can be authenticated and logged in -use email as log in credentials, since email is unique -Hability to display chefs profile -Ability to list chefs to log in and log out of the app -Restrict actions like create recipe, edit recipe and like feature to logged in chefs only -Restricting edit of recipes by chefs who created the recipes