What tools are required:
- any IDE with Java support (Eclipse Mars/IntelliJ IDEA are prefered),
- JDK 1.8 (newest update)
- Create new workspace,
- Configure Eclipse to use JDK 1.8,
Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JRE
- Set JDK Compliance level to 1.8,
- Clone EffectiveJava repository to the workspace,
- Create new Java project with EffectiveJava name
- If you have any problems with unit tests compilation (e.g. Eclipse claims that import of org.junit.Assert.* can not be resolved) you should:
- Goto project properties: Properties -> Java Build Path
- On the Libraries tab click "Add Library..." button,
- Choose JUnit and Apply changes,
- Imports should be properly resolved now
Check out from Version Control->Git
I'm looking forward to know your opinion about the workshop and problems that it covers.
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