Added link to open NationStates registration page on the login screen.
Rebuilt the login process to use the NationStates API instead.
Added unread count for issues, telegrams, RMB posts and WA resolutions in the navigation drawer.
Converted nation tabs from hard-coded ScrollViews to dynamic RecyclerView cards.
Improved telegram support - unread styling, organization tools and 'visit region' button for recruitment.
Merged Region > Community and Region > Governance tabs.
Increased RMB posts to load to 100, improved RMB forward queries and added 'jump to specific post' option.
Improved Unicode support for RMB posts and telegrams.
Added domain name in link text for external links in RMB posts and telegrams.
Added option to report RMB posts and telegrams.
Removed Activity Feed restrictions on number of nations/regions to query.
Swipe right from the left edge to dismiss new activities.
Removed enforced portrait mode on all activities.
Visual improvements across the app.
Bug fixes and other improvements.
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