This repository contains an implementation of a Dual-Modal Deep Belief Network (DBN) with a fusion mechanism for handling dual-modal data. The network is designed to work with two different modalities of data and fuse them to perform a classification task.
- The network architecture consists of the following components:
- Dual-Modal Deep Belief Network (DBN): It consists of two Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) with attention mechanisms for each modality. These RBMs handle the feature extraction and interaction between modalities.
- Encoders: Two different encoders are used for encoding data from each modality. One is based on LSTM, and the other is based on a 1D ResNet or Transformer Encoder.
- Fusion Block: This block fuses the encoded representations from both modalities.
- Fully Connected Layers: These layers perform the final classification task.
Installation: Make sure you have the required libraries installed by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
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Training: You can train the network using your dataset by modifying the training script. You may need to adjust hyperparameters, data loading, and preprocessing according to your specific data.
Inference: After training, you can use the trained model for inference tasks. Load the saved model weights and pass your data through the network to obtain predictions.
Is in the bottom of file.
Python 3.7+
This project is based on the concept of Dual-Modal Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) with attention mechanisms.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.