The final objective is to build an app where users can collect solution cards that help with the CoronaVirus isolation problems. Users will be able to browse an index of problems, select the problem, and then view an index of solution cards. Each solution card can be added into the profile, for viewing later. Due to limited time we were working on MVP and will continue working on sprints. View Milestones section for feature builds and updates.
- NodeJs
- MongoDB,
- Mongoose,
- Express,
- Body-parser
- Bootstrap
- Heroku
- Moqups(wireframing)
- "Be Well!" Homepage can always be accessed from navbar
- Access problem index through navbar button “problems”
- Stretch goal: Access navbar link profile
- Navbar links “Be Well!” and “Problems”
- Stretch goal: profile
Expelling Bad Mojo(problems page)
- List of Problem cards: i.e. depressed, fatigue, back pain
- Stretch goal: 6+ problems
Problem Card
- Each card has a name, description, and an image
- "view” button - takes you to the solutions index of 3 cards
- Stretch goal: 6+ problems, 6+ solutions
Solutions index
- Multiple solutions cards each with the following:
- Name, description, image, and link
- Each card has an edit and delete button
- Stretch goal "show profile” button - card profile
- At bottom of solutions index page there is an add button to add a new solution
- Stretch goal - “plus button(add)” - add card to profile favorites board
- Multiple solutions cards each with the following:
Solution Card Profile
- Image
- More detailed description
- Instructions
- Link to buy
- Button-back to list of solutions
- Carousel images
Pinterest external API
- User will be able to save a collection of self care ideas(like a pinterest board)
Non-authenticated Users can:
- Browse problem cards and solutions
- Stretch goal: Press solution “add” button - alert will ask to login or create account
- Press the link to external website
Authenticated Users can:
- Login
- Modal pop-up
- After Logining in pop up will disappear
- User name will display in upper right hand corner
- Stretch goal: account setting
- Changing username, password
- Modal pop-up
- Automatically login after register
- After registering sent back to the page you left
View profile
- Display index of saved cards, which can be clicked to view card profiles
Browse problem cards and their solutions
- Press “add” button, stores solution card into their profile database
Users will have access to the navbar and home page
Users can click on a specefic problem
In the problem the user will find solution cards
In the solution index for the problem a user can add a new solution
A more detailed list of solution cards
A detailed description of a specific solution
The page to register an account for the site
The login page
- Type: String,
- Description: String,
- Image: String,
- Solutions: [],
- Type: String,
- Description: String,
- Image: String,
- Link: String,
Stretch Goal
- User Schema
- Name:
- Type: String,
- Required: true,
- Email:
- Type: String,
- Required: true,
- Password:
- Type: String,
- Required: true,
- Name:
- User Schema
One to many, embedded data
- Wireframe
- Approval
- User story
- File structures MVP
- Boilerplates for core files
- Get server running
- Route planning blueprint
- Connect the files together
- Start bootstrap template
- Database setup
- Organizing into MVC
- Authentication
- Login
- Profile
- Save their solution cards, database?
- Connecting pinterest
- Heroku
- Express city class code DEMO
- Marc Maniez