React Navigation Extension for Collapsible Header.
Make your header of react-navigation
Try Expo Snack
Try Example.
$ cd example
$ npm install
$ react-native run-ios
$ react-native run-android
(XCode 10) If you fail building iOS with react-native-cli, please open XCode 10 and run one time for a workaround. it would be probably fixed from react-native soon.
If you use Expo, add this lines to your App.js. (It only affects Android)
/* Support Expo */
import { setExpoStatusBarHeight } from 'react-navigation-collapsible';
import { Constants } from 'expo';
import { withCollapsible } from 'react-navigation-collapsible';
const AnimatedFlatList = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(FlatList);
class MyScreen extends Component{
static navigationOptions = {
title: 'Awesome Screen'
const { paddingHeight, scrollY, onScroll } = this.props.collapsible;
return (
contentContainerStyle={{paddingTop: paddingHeight}}
scrollIndicatorInsets={{top: paddingHeight}}
// if you want to use 'onScroll' callback.
// onScroll={Animated.event(
// [{nativeEvent: {contentOffset: {y: scrollY}}}],
// {useNativeDriver:true, listener:this.onScroll})}
export default withCollapsible(MyScreen, {iOSCollapsedColor: '#031'});
export default withCollapsible(MyScreen, {iOSCollapsedColor: '#031'});
(Your Navigator.js)
import { collapsibleOptionsForTab, collapsibleTabConfig } from 'react-navigation-collapsible';
const TopTabNavigator = createMaterialTopTabNavigator(
Screen1: { screen: MyScreen },
Screen2: { screen: OtherScreen },
tabBarOptions: {
indicatorStyle: { backgroundColor: 'white' },
style: { backgroundColor: 'green' },
const routeConfig = {
MainScreen: { screen: MainScreen },
TopTabScreen: { screen: TopTabNavigator, navigationOptions: props => collapsibleOptionsForTab(props, {title: 'Material Tab'}) },
const StackNavigator = createStackNavigator(routeConfig);
See example/src/ImageScreen.js
See example/src/ExtraHeaderScreen.js
- [HOC]
withCollapsible (wrappedUserScreen: Component, collapsibleParams?: {iOSCollapsedColor?: string, extraHeader?: Component, extraHeaderStyle?: Object})
collapsibleOptionsForTab (props, userOptions)
collapsibleTabConfig (userConfig)
setExpoStatusBarHeight (height)
Because react-navigation-collapsible
converts your screen's navigationOptions to {headerTransparent: true}
, there is a layout issue on a transition with other screens not using {headerTransparent: true}
If you want to make the transition between screens natural on iOS, you have two options. (See example/src/App.js)
1. Set headerTransparent: true
in navigatorConfig
and set paddingTop on every screen in the same StackNavigator.
2. Set headerMode: 'screen'
in navigatorConfig
- Regular Header
- Image Header
- Nested Stack+Tab
- Extra Header
- Split code
- iOS 11 Style Header
- Big Header <-> Regular Header
This module is just published. Please help and let's make it better so that this module can capable more use cases.
- create issue or PR with a sample react-navigation code or Expo Snack that are not working with this module.
- If you improved module, please set
package URL to be linked to your forked repo and PR.
I've ensured this module is compatible with react-native
>=0.56 and react-navigation
>=2.11.2. But it does not mean it's not compatible with older versions.