This repository contains an example script used for benchmarking. Full paths and other system-specific information have been removed.
This code derives from the sample DNASeq script Sentieon provides. Alterations include the addition of a separate timelog that measured the start and end of each tool. For some runs, we also included calls to our in-house memory profiler.
The code remained consistent for each run except for changes to 1) the number of threads ($nt); 2) the data being processed; and 3) whether or not the Realigner tool was used.
We used the NEAT package (see manuscript references) to generate synthetic data and an accompanying Golden VCF with the following command.
python -r hg38_chr20_21_22.fa -R 100 --pe 300 30 -M 0.001 -E 0.001 --bam --vcf
We used the vcf-compare packages associated with NEAT (see manuscript references) to compare GATK and Sentieon with each other and various truth sets using the following command.
python -r hg38.fa -g golden_truth.vcf -w workflow.vcf --vcf-out -o output_directory
-t ConfidentRegions.bed -T 0 --incl-homs --incl-fail --no-plot