IDnow API for everyone!
// init
$idNow = new IdNow(
// create the ident
$transactionId = 'rSRS6BcacTIm4hM94NleLM55x5jamuRI';
$params = [
'birthday' => '1989-09-09',
'firstname' => 'X-AUTOTEST-HAPPYPATH',
'lastname' => 'Lastname',
'gender' => 'MALE',
'nationality' => 'RU',
'mobilephone' => '+79123456789',
$result = $idNow->create($transactionId, $params);
// init test IdNowApi
$idNowTest = new IdNowApi(
// start
$result = $idNowTest->do("{$idNowTest->companyId}/identifications/$transactionId/start", []);
// request video chat
$result = $idNowTest->do("{$idNowTest->companyId}/identifications/$transactionId/requestVideoChat", []);
// now we are ready to receive a webhook
// init
$idNow = new IdNow(
// create the ident
$transactionId = 'rSRS6BcacTIm4hM94NleLM55x5jamuRJ'
$params = [
'birthday' => '1989-09-09',
'firstname' => 'Firstname',
'lastname' => 'Lastname',
'gender' => 'MALE',
'nationality' => 'RU',
'mobilephone' => '+79123456789',
$result = $idNow->create($transactionId, $params);
// get estimated waiting time
$estimatedWaitingTime = $idNow->estimatedWaitingTime();
// get ident url
$url = $idNow->getUrl($transactionId);
// open url in the iframe
// [identification processs]
// get result redirect
// now we are ready to receive a webhook
// download results as ZIP
$result = $idNow->download($href, $dir);
// retrieve results as JSON
$result = $idNow->retrieve($transactionId);