- Choice a random number between two numbers (scoreboard)
- Motion in direction
- Despawn an entity (without dead animation)
- Reset XP Player (levels and points)
- Make unfire entities with a tag
- More entities tags: #animals, #breedable, #tameable and #undead
- Get player head
- A lot of predicates, like: "has/passenger", "is/riding", "in/dimension/the_end", "is/sneaking"
- Player unique ID score
(including minimum and maximum)
scoreboard players set <entity> mcalc.min 1
scoreboard players set <entity> mcalc.max 10
execute as <entity> run function mcalc:calc/random
the random number will be stored in "mcalc.random" score
tellraw @a {"score":{"name":"<entity>","objective":"mcalc.random"}}
function mcalc:calc/motion
summon minecraft:fireball ^ ^1.5 ^.5 {Tags:["test.fireball"]}
data modify entity @e[tag=test.fireball,limit=1,sort=nearest] Owner set from entity @s UUID
execute store result entity @e[tag=test.fireball,limit=1,sort=nearest] power[0] double -0.00025 run scoreboard players get @s mcalc.mx
execute store result entity @e[tag=test.fireball,limit=1,sort=nearest] power[1] double -0.00025 run scoreboard players get @s mcalc.my
execute store result entity @e[tag=test.fireball,limit=1,sort=nearest] power[2] double -0.00025 run scoreboard players get @s mcalc.mz
tag @e[tag=test.fireball,limit=1,sort=nearest] remove test.fireball
execute as <entity> at @s run function <datapack>:throw_fireball
execute as <entity> at @s run function mcalc:entity/despawn
execute as <player> run function mcalc:player/reset_xp
summon zombie ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["mcalc.unfire"]}
- animal
- boss
- breedable
- hostile
- passive
- rideable
- tameable
- undead
kill @e[type=#mcalc:undead]
For specific player:
execute as <player> run function mcalc:player/clear_chat
For all players
function mcalc:global/clear_chat
execute at @s as <player> run loot spawn ~ ~ ~ loot mcalc:player_head
- has/passenger
- has/effect/<effect_name> (example effects name: "regeneration", "fire_resistance", "glowing)
- in/biome/<biome_name> (example biomes name: "forest", "badlands", "jungle)
- in/dimension/<dimension_name> (example dimensions name: "overworld", "the_end", "the_nether")
- is/baby
- is/on_fire
- is/riding
- is/sneaking
- is/sprinting
- is/swimming
- random/<random_chance> (example: "0_1" = 10% of chance, "0.5" = 50% of chance, "0.75" = 75% of chance)
scoreboard players get @s mcalc.player_id